
Cooperating With the Way God Created Reproductivity

By Fr. Jeff | 06/12/2024

This article is written based on a comment received to a blog article, “Pro-Choice or Not?” that I published here last week. The person spoke of promoting contraception as a means to reduce the number of abortions. I wrote this…

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Pentecost, Year B – Works of the Flesh, Fruits of the Spirit

By Fr. Jeff | 05/19/2024

In today’s gospel (second option), Jesus speaks of the Advocate whom He will send to us from the Father.  This advocate is “the Spirit of Truth that proceeds from the Father.”  The Advocate of whom Jesus speaks is the Holy…

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Is It a Good Thing?

By Fr. Jeff | 05/14/2024

Today I would like to try something a little different.  I would like to examine the morality of something emerging in today’s technology.  I begin by proposing a question to you.  Do you want to grow in your faith? I…

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I Don’t Understand

By Fr. Jeff | 05/07/2024

I don’t understand…I don’t understand so much of what goes on in the world today. I don’t understand the current protests occurring on college campuses in the United States.  I believe in the right of people to protest.  However, I…

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The Infinite Dignity of Human Beings, Part II

By Fr. Jeff | 04/30/2024

Last week I wrote Part I of this two-part series examining the new Declaration released by the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Dignitas Infinita”.  This declaration discusses the topic human dignity, its source, types of dignity, and…

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The Infinite Dignity of Human Beings Part I

By Fr. Jeff | 04/23/2024

I have just completed the first of two articles on what “Dignitas Infinita” offers us. Part I makes frequent use of quotes. So, I am posting it in PDF formatting so that you can identify the quotes in block. It…

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Theory and Application in a Complex World

By Fr. Jeff | 04/09/2024

In addition to my writing for this blog regularly, I also write a weekly email blast geared to the parishes I serve in its specifics (yet applicable to all in its general content.  You can see last’s week’s email blast…

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Jesus Died for You

By Fr. Jeff | 04/02/2024

We just celebrated our Easter Triduum.  The Triduum begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper where Jesus instituted the Eucharist and the Priesthood.  It continues with the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s death.  Yes, we celebrate his death. …

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When Democracy Breaks Down

By Fr. Jeff | 03/26/2024

As I said in my reflection on Sunday, Pilate, as the local government official, allowed Jesus to be crucified “to satisfy the crowd.”  He offered to release Jesus as it was his custom to release one prisoner on this feast. …

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Inspired by the Holy Spirit

By Fr. Jeff | 11/24/2023

After setting up for Mass this morning, I glanced at a Catholic news headline that said, “Dublin archbishop responds to stabbing of 3 children that sparked violent riots”. Ugh! Stabbing children? Why? Why? I clicked on the headline. Reading the…

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Promoting Understanding

By Fr. Jeff | 09/22/2023

Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know that I am passionate about helping people understand Catholic teaching. With that in mind, I have just finished the largest paper I have ever written and put it on…

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The Speed of Change

By Fr. Jeff | 09/05/2023

Some people love change. I’m not one of them but I do believe some change is natural and not necessarily something to be feared. Change can be good. There is change we seek. It might starting a new job that…

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More on the Virtues from St. Francis De Sales

By Fr. Jeff | 12/13/2022

This is the fifth article in my series based on my reading of the Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales. Written 400 years ago, it is available in various translations. I am reading the 2015 version published by…

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St. Francis De Sales on Virtues

By Fr. Jeff | 12/06/2022

This is the fourth article in my series based on my reading of the Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales. Written 400 years ago, it is available in various translations. I am reading the 2015 version published by…

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Video – Third Presentation in series “Being Church in Today’s World”

By Fr. Jeff | 11/18/2022

Last night I offered the third (and final) presentation in my series, Being Church in Today’s World. The video and slides for Part III are now available on my website at If you watch the video in the next…

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Jeremiah Today

By Fr. Jeff | 08/02/2022

Some people see the Bible as outdated. It is not. It is God’s Word and it is a living word, still relevant to us today. In recent days the first reading at daily Mass has been from the Book of…

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What About My Freedom?

By Fr. Jeff | 09/14/2021

Various states are passing laws supporting life in the womb. Life is a precious gift that begins at conception. This is not simply something I believe in faith. In my article, “Biology Makes Me Pro-Life”, I provide a non-religious reason…

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Open and Honest Dialogue

By Fr. Jeff | 04/12/2021

As I have said before, many people today have some knowledge of what the Catholic Church teaches on various topics without knowing why the Church teaches it. Helping people understand not just what the Church teaches but why is at…

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We Need to See as God Sees

By Fr. Jeff | 03/16/2021

If we are going to understand and appreciate what our faith teaches we must see as God sees, not as human beings see (see 1 Samuel 16:7). For instance, I recently wrote an article, “Chastity and Sexuality”, to help people…

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Third Webinar in Series “Treating Life with Dignity and Love”

By Fr. Jeff | 03/11/2021

Last night I hosted the third webinar in my series, “Treating Life with Dignity and Love.” The recording of the webinar and the slides are now available online at You can now register for Part IV on April 14th,…

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Chastity and Sexuality

By Fr. Jeff | 03/05/2021

We talk about chastity. What does it really mean? We use the term “sexuality” but what is our Catholic understanding of sexuality? What does sex have to do with religion anyway? Sexuality has a lot to do with living our…

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Our Weapons Against Evil

By Fr. Jeff | 03/01/2021

In two recent blog articles (“Does Evil Exist?” and “The People of the Lie”), I reflected upon Fr. Dwight Longenecker’s Immortal Combat: Confronting the Heart of Darkness (Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press. 2020) and what he says about our battle against…

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“The People of the Lie”

By Fr. Jeff | 02/26/2021

On Tuesday, I posted an article, “Does Evil Exist?” based on my thoughts from reading Immortal Combat: Confronting the Heart of Darkness by Fr. Dwight Longenecker (Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press. 2020).  As I ended that article I referenced Fr. Longenecker’s…

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Does Evil Exist?

By Fr. Jeff | 02/23/2021

Does “evil” exist? There should be no question that bad things happen. One does not need to watch the news for long to hear` of violence and wars. There is theft and division. Yet, if one listens to the relativists…

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Video Recording of “Treating Life with Dignity and Love: Part II”

By Fr. Jeff | 02/11/2021

Hello, Last night I offered the second webinar in my series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love. In this webinar, we built upon what I said in part I to discuss Catholic teaching about abortion and the death penalty. Part…

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