Pro-Life: In the Womb & Embryos

The Infinite Dignity of Human Beings, Part II

By Fr. Jeff | 04/30/2024

Last week I wrote Part I of this two-part series examining the new Declaration released by the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Dignitas Infinita”.  This declaration discusses the topic human dignity, its source, types of dignity, and…

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The Infinite Dignity of Human Beings Part I

By Fr. Jeff | 04/23/2024

I have just completed the first of two articles on what “Dignitas Infinita” offers us. Part I makes frequent use of quotes. So, I am posting it in PDF formatting so that you can identify the quotes in block. It…

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There is Still Hope

By Fr. Jeff | 03/05/2024

Last week I wrote about the hope I saw in the Alabama State Supreme Court’s decision that “embryos are children” (“There is Hope in Alabama”).  Unfortunately, it is becoming clear that many people do not get the significance of the…

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There is Hope in Alabama

By Fr. Jeff | 02/27/2024

Last Tuesday, I read Daniel Payne’s article, “Alabama Supreme Court rules that embryos are children under state law,” (2/20/24.  Catholic News Agency.  Accessed online on 2/27/24 at  In the very first line he reported, “The Alabama Supreme Court has…

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Standing for Life

By Fr. Jeff | 01/09/2024

In 1973 the United States Supreme Court issued its landmark Roe v. Wade decision that ensured a woman’s right to abortion. This was based on somehow seeing abortion as part of a woman’s right to privacy. From this, they said…

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Recent Pro-Life News

By Fr. Jeff | 04/18/2023

I write this during the second week of our Easter season. It is a season of resurrection. Thus, it is a season of life. If we are to enter into eternal life in the resurrection, we must first be good…

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Where Do We Go From Here?

By Fr. Jeff | 06/28/2022

In its Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision released last week (June 24, 2022), the United States Supreme Court did what prolife advocates were hoping for. They overturned Roe vs. Wade. I found my heart heavy with the news.…

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Video Recording of “Treating Life with Dignity and Love: Part II”

By Fr. Jeff | 02/11/2021

Hello, Last night I offered the second webinar in my series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love. In this webinar, we built upon what I said in part I to discuss Catholic teaching about abortion and the death penalty. Part…

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Biology Makes Me Pro-Life

By Fr. Jeff | 01/31/2020

The gospel reading for today (January 31, 2020, Friday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time) points to why I think biology points us to the fact that life begins at conception and is to be cherished. In this gospel…

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Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

By Fr. Jeff | 01/22/2020

As today’s gospel begins, Jesus enters the synagogue on the Sabbath. “There was a man there who had a withered hand. They watched Jesus closely to see if he would cure him on the sabbath.” They did not like Jesus…

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