Just War Theory – Real Life Application

The Infinite Dignity of Human Beings, Part II

By Fr. Jeff | 04/30/2024

Last week I wrote Part I of this two-part series examining the new Declaration released by the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, “Dignitas Infinita”.  This declaration discusses the topic human dignity, its source, types of dignity, and…

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The Infinite Dignity of Human Beings Part I

By Fr. Jeff | 04/23/2024

I have just completed the first of two articles on what “Dignitas Infinita” offers us. Part I makes frequent use of quotes. So, I am posting it in PDF formatting so that you can identify the quotes in block. It…

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On the Brink of War

By Fr. Jeff | 04/16/2024

On Saturday I found myself wondering how close we were to seeing full scale war in the Middle East.  Beginning last fall I have been writing articles on the application of Just War Theory on the conflict between Israel and…

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Are You Like David or Saul?

By Fr. Jeff | 01/23/2024

In recent days, the first readings at daily Mass have told the story of the “tension” between David and Saul.  Saul had named as the first king of Israel but failed to follow God’s direction.  David fights in Saul’s army…

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My Hopes for 2024

By Fr. Jeff | 01/01/2024

As we begin the new secular year of 2024, I don’t want to talk about resolutions today. It’s not that I think I’m perfect such that I don’t need to make improvements in my own behavior. I know I am…

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Understanding Antisemitism

By Fr. Jeff | 12/12/2023

Antisemitism has been a problem for a long time.  It is hostility and/or prejudice against Jews.  With the present fighting between Israel and Hamas, the news reports that antisemitism is rising across the world.  The increase is likely a reaction…

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What’s It Going to Take for People to Realize the State of Things?

By Fr. Jeff | 11/14/2023

I hope I am not sounding like a broken record that keeps repeating itself.  Last week I wrote, “What’s It Going to Take to End the Violence.”  There I said the answer laid in tears that came from the depths…

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Two Things

By Fr. Jeff | 10/31/2023

Once again, I will begin this week’s article with a brief discussion of the ongoing the conflict between Israel and Hamas (see my previous articles “Escalating Conflict,” 10/10/23, “The Importance of Building Relationships,” 10/17/23, “Is Life Being Respected” 10/24/23). Israel has now begun…

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Is Life Being Respected?

By Fr. Jeff | 10/24/2023

For the third week in a row, I find myself beginning a blog article by mentioning the conflict between Israel and Hamas (see “Escalating Conflict,” 10/10/23 and “The Importance of Building Relationships,” 10/17/23). The situation in Israel is important in…

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The Importance of Building Relationships

By Fr. Jeff | 10/17/2023

Last week I wrote about the escalating conflict between Hamas and Israel. Since then, the fighting has continued with many people injured or killed. It looks like Israel is preparing to go into Gaza with ground troops. Clearly the situation…

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Escalating Conflict

By Fr. Jeff | 10/10/2023

There is more fighting in the world than there was last week. The conflict between Israel and the Hamas is nothing new but the level of fighting escalated a few days ago. I heard one report said that the attacks…

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Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Situation in Ukraine

By Fr. Jeff | 02/27/2022

In my homily this Sunday I included what is going on in the Ukraine as among the tribulations we face in the world today. Now I would like to offer some preliminary thoughts on Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine. I…

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A Troubled World

By Fr. Jeff | 02/22/2022

One does not have to look far to see that we live in a troubled world. We have been dealing with the Coronavirus for two years now. Right now, the number of cases in the United States has dropped significantly…

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The Application of Just War Theory

By Fr. Jeff | 01/03/2020

I just watched the national news talking about the killing of an Iranian general. Our government says he is responsible for terrorism and was currently planning attacks against American citizens. I do not want to make any judgment on the…

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Korea & the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 08/13/2017

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a Psalm 85:9, 10, 11-12, 13-14 Romans 9:1-5 Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus’ disciples found themselves a few miles offshore “being tossed about by the waves, for the wind was against it.” …

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Responding to Syria

By Fr. Jeff | 04/07/2017

It was reported in the news earlier this week that there was an attack in Syria using chemical weapons.  This is considered an attack by the government in power against its own people.  In response to this specific attack following…

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