Eucharistic Adoration

"Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed."Mark 1:35

I Hold the Sun

Exposition and Benediction are complementary practices.  Exposition is the rite for placing the Eucharistic Host on the altar in a monstrance for adoration.  Benediction ends the Adoration with a blessing with the Eucharist by an ordained minister.  Some period of time passes between Exposition and Benediction during which the Eucharist may be adored.  During Adoration, prayers (such as the Liturgy of the Hours) may be said privately or together.  It also can be a period of quiet prayer in the presence of the Eucharist.

When I first started going to Adoration, I did not find this form of quiet prayer to be prayer form for me.  I would sit before the Eucharist but "nothing happened."  So, after a few times I decided I would give it one last try and if it did not inspire me I would discontinue my own participation.  It ended up being perhaps the best prayer experience I had had in several months.

Here is the text of a homily I gave when we started a monthly holy hour at St. Michael's in Newark.

Fr. Jeff included Eucharistic Adoration and Eucharist Processions in his homily on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus (aka Corpus Christi) June 2, 2024.  Click here for the text of this homily (includes a video recording).

For more on the Eucharist, check out Fr. Jeff's presentation, Sacraments:  Channels of God's Grace Initiation II on the Eucharist.

Other forms of liturgy and prayer include:

Here are some video presentations by Fr. Jeff on prayer: