Being Church in Today's World Part I
"Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."
Luke 1:38

For centuries western civilization was rooted in Christianity. This is being lost today. Fewer people practice their faith and many do not believe that God exists. In a world where many think that you are free to believe whatever you want, how do you know what voice to listen to? Where do we go for real Truth? What does it mean to be “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church?”
Inspired by comments from people following previous presentations, in this new series, Fr. Jeff seeks to answer these questions and more.
Here are the slides for Part I
Part I - this presentation
Part II
Part III
Here are other articles and videos on related topics available on our website:
- Much of these two videos is part of this new series:
- Video - Where Do We Go for Truth?
- Video - What It Means to a Church?
- Articles
- Video Series - Made for Discipleship
Created 9/23/22
Updated 10/20/23