Prayer & Devotions
"Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed."Mark 1:35

In the Catholic Church, there are many forms of liturgy and prayer. Of course, the prime form of liturgy is the Mass. Other forms of liturgy and prayer include:
- Liturgy of the Hours
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Stations of the Cross
- Contemplative & Centering Prayer
- Lectio Divina
- The RosaryÂ
So with all these forms of prayer, what makes the Mass prime? There are two parts to the Mass. The first is the Liturgy of the Word where we hear readings proclaimed from the Bible, listen to a homily, profess our faith in the Creed, Lastly, within the Liturgy of the Word we offer our prayers for one another. Then comes the Liturgy of the Eucharist where we, as Catholics, do not celebrate remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross for us. Rather, for us, the sacrifice is made present to us at Mass as an eternal sacrifice. Be sure and check out "The Mass".
Here are some video presentations by Fr. Jeff on prayer:
- We Profess, We Believe ​ - A series of five presentations on the Creed
- Talking to God: A Conversation about Prayer (2014)
- Giving Our Hearts to God: What It Means to Pray (2021) - a three part series