German Synodal Way

Why am I Catholic?

By Fr. Jeff | 11/21/2023

Why am I Catholic? Traditionally, the answer to the question why are you Catholic was, “Because my parents and grandparents are Catholic.” Being Catholic was part of our identity. One went to church for Christmas and Easter because that’s what…

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One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

By Fr. Jeff | 09/12/2023

Last Saturday I read a news story (Sarah Maddox, “Why thousands of U.S. congregations are leaving the United Methodist Church.” September 9, 2023. You may remember that in 2019, the United Methodist Church held a conference that discussed same-sex…

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Jeremiah Today

By Fr. Jeff | 08/02/2022

Some people see the Bible as outdated. It is not. It is God’s Word and it is a living word, still relevant to us today. In recent days the first reading at daily Mass has been from the Book of…

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