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Our Blog

Homilies on the Mass

By Fr. Jeff | 02/28/2011

I have posted my homily on the Concluding Rites Peace, Fr. Jeff

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Getting Ready For Lent

By Fr. Jeff | 02/26/2011

Getting ready for Lent might seem like a strange title for an article.  After all, Lent is a season of preparation, a time of seeking conversion.  In Lent, we work to open our hearts to God. So, what do we…

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Homily of the Liturgy of the Eucharist

By Fr. Jeff | 02/20/2011

I have uploaded my homily on the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Peace, Fr. Jeff

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Jesus Gives His Disciples a Pop Quiz

By Fr. Jeff | 02/17/2011

In today’s gospel (Thursday, February 17, 2011 – Sixth Week in Ordinary Time) Jesus asks him disciples two questions. First, he asks them, “Who do people say that I am?”  A nice beginning question, no pressure, simply asks factually what are…

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Additions on the Web Site

By Fr. Jeff | 02/13/2011

I have added my homily on the Liturgy of the Word to the website.  You can check it out at I have also added some material on the New Roman Missal to our parish web site at Peace,…

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Standing Up For What Is Right

By Fr. Jeff | 02/11/2011

Today I would like to talk about a topic that I generally avoid – politics, specifically the situation in Egypt.  With the resignation of President Mubarak certainly Egypt has changed in a profound way.  Perhaps the most amazing thing to…

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More on the New Translations and the Mass

By Fr. Jeff | 02/07/2011

Check out my new article on “Implementing the New Roman Missal” and teaching on the Mass at Peace, Fr. Jeff

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Blessed Are They Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

By Fr. Jeff | 02/01/2011

“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be satisfied.”  These are words spoken by Jesus as he began his Sermon on the Mount.  They are words we heard this Sunday in church.  Righteousness is to…

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