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By Fr. Jeff | 06/18/2024

In May, the Diocese of Buffalo announced plans to merge 1/3 of its parishes.  As of this morning (6/18/24) a banner on its website says “Rightsizing and Reshaping.”  In the business world “rightsizing” is a good thing.  It is seen…

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The Purpose of a Parish

By Fr. Jeff | 05/10/2024

Here is an article in PDF format that I recently composed (with proofreading and editorial assistance from some friends.). The topic is what is the purpose of a parish.

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Why am I Catholic?

By Fr. Jeff | 11/21/2023

Why am I Catholic? Traditionally, the answer to the question why are you Catholic was, “Because my parents and grandparents are Catholic.” Being Catholic was part of our identity. One went to church for Christmas and Easter because that’s what…

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One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

By Fr. Jeff | 09/12/2023

Last Saturday I read a news story (Sarah Maddox, “Why thousands of U.S. congregations are leaving the United Methodist Church.” September 9, 2023. You may remember that in 2019, the United Methodist Church held a conference that discussed same-sex…

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Video – Third Presentation in series “Being Church in Today’s World”

By Fr. Jeff | 11/18/2022

Last night I offered the third (and final) presentation in my series, Being Church in Today’s World. The video and slides for Part III are now available on my website at If you watch the video in the next…

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Second Video Presentation in series “Being Church in Today’s World”

By Fr. Jeff | 10/28/2022

Last night I presented Part II in my new series of presentations, Being Church in Today’s World. The video recording and slides are available at . If you watch the video in the next couple of days, you can complete an online evaluation…

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Sacred Scripture and Tradition

By Fr. Jeff | 10/04/2022

I recently read Mark Shea’s By What Authority? An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition Revised and Expanded Edition (San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 2013). Shea began his Christian life in the Evangelical Church. This book tells his story of moving from sola…

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First Video Presentation in New Series – Being Church in Today’s World

By Fr. Jeff | 09/23/2022

Last night I began my new series of presentations, Being Church in Today’s World. The video recording and slides are available at . Here is a description of the series – “For centuries western civilization was rooted in Christianity.…

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6th Sunday of Easter, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 05/22/2022

6th Sunday of Easter, Year CActs 15:1-2, 22-29 Psalm 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 (4) Revelation 21:10-14a, 22-23John 14:23-29 May 22, 2022 Some of the people had been upset by teachings they heard. It has disturbed their peace of mind.  This…

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The Ministry of Priests

By Fr. Jeff | 04/05/2022

I recently read a new book, Priests in Love with God and Eager to Witness to the Gospel by Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes (San Francisco: Ignatius Press. 2021). He wrote the book with seminarians in mind but also for reflection…

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 09/26/2021

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year BNumbers 11:25-29Psalm 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 (9a)James 5:1-6Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Jesus’ words today may seem shocking.  “If you hand causes you to sin, cut it off…And if your foot causes you to sin,…

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What is a Missionary Disciple?

By Fr. Jeff | 06/11/2021

Recently, I have been using Fr. James Mallon’s new book, Divine Renovation Beyond the Parish (Frederick, MD: The Word Among Us Press. 2020) for reflection both on change and leadership. Today, I offer my final article using this book. In…

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Resistance to Change

By Fr. Jeff | 06/04/2021

Since it was announced that I will be moving to a new assignment, I have written several articles related to change. The first one, “The Next Change”, started with the saying “change is inevitable.” For me, change almost seems a…

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Maintenance & Mission

By Fr. Jeff | 06/01/2021

Four weeks from today I will be moving to my new assignment at St. Mary’s of the Lake and St. Benedict’s. As I prepare to lead them, I continue to reflect on what it is that God calls us to.…

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What Does It Mean to Serve the People?

By Fr. Jeff | 05/28/2021

In my last article, “Hopes and Dreams”, I spoke of helping people and leading people to Jesus. In my past article, “What Sort of Church Should We Be?”, I spoke of serving the people. Today I would like to write…

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Hopes and Dreams

By Fr. Jeff | 05/25/2021

As preparations continue for me to transition to St. Mary’s of the Lake and St. Benedict’s at the end of June, a couple of people from there have asked me about my “hopes and dreams” for the parish. It is…

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A Question to Ponder

By Fr. Jeff | 05/18/2021

I would like to pose a question for reflection – “Do you belong to your parish or does your parish belong to you?” For the latter, what do you expect from your parish? Do you only go to your parish…

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7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 05/16/2021

7th Sunday of Easter, Year BActs 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26Psalm 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20 (19a)1 John 4:11-16John 17:11b-19May 16, 2021 We come today between our celebration of the Ascension of Jesus and Pentecost.  This is the time frame in our first reading…

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Moving Forward

By Fr. Jeff | 10/12/2020

The first reading in yesterday’s (28th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Office of Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours led me to think about where we are at as a Church with regards to the number of people who practice…

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How Do We Experience Church?

By Fr. Jeff | 08/18/2020

The question for this article is how do we experience Church? As we explore this question, please note that I capitalized the word “Church”. This is because, ultimately, it is a transcendent “Church” that we are called to belong to.…

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Being “Church”

By Fr. Jeff | 03/26/2020

We continue to be separated to do our part to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. I miss seeing the people. I miss gathering together to celebrate the Eucharist. Celebrating the Eucharist is the most important thing we can do.…

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 09/30/2018

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Numbers 11:25-29 Psalm 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 (9a) James 5:1-6 Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 September 30, 2018 Jesus speaks to his disciples about what causes them to sin.  His direction to cut our…

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“The Church’s Birth and Foundation” – Holy Hour Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 09/19/2018

Homily for September 2018 Holy Hour Acts 2:1-11 Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 John 19:28-37 The first reading tonight tells the story of Pentecost.  It can be a spectacular scene to image.  I think the…

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New Presentation on Video – What It Means to be a Church

By Fr. Jeff | 02/10/2018

Almost two weeks ago I did a presentation here at St. Michael’s.  I had planned my calendar around being able to edit and caption the video the day after the presentation so I could get it online as soon as…

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Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 11/09/2014

The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 John 2:13-22 November 9, 2014   Today we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.  There are not many days that take precedence…

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