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Our Blog

A New Article at

By Fr. Jeff | 02/01/2010

This year’s issue for the Diocese of Rochester Public Policy Weekend (February 13th/14th) is Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  In preparation for the weekend I have attended a presentation on Immigration Reform and doing some research on my own.  From this work,…

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Why Do We Do Social Ministry?

By Fr. Jeff | 01/31/2010

In my previous blogs on the parish website, I have talked about some of our social ministry efforts at St. Mary’s but I am not sure I have ever talked about why we have a social ministry program. To answer…

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Welcome to Our New Blog

By Fr. Jeff | 01/30/2010

Welcome to all!  This blog is the newest development at  Renewal of Faith has been in existence for some time as a collection of class papers and reflections that I have written.  I have been blogging since September 2008…

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