Our Blog
This weekend we celebrate our nation’s independence. On July 4, 1776, the colonists signed the Declaration of Independence. The colonists had fought for representation so that their voices could be heard. They declared their independence and fought the Revolutionary War…
Read MoreI arrived Tuesday afternoon (June 29th) at St. Michael’s Rectory to begin my new assignment at Our Lady of the Lakes. It has only been two days so it has been quiet so far with activities focusing on unpacking and…
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel (Wednesday, June 23, 2010), Jesus tells us to be careful of false prophets. Whenever we encounter a new person we might wonder ‘Can I trust this person?’ We know nothing about them. Can we trust them to…
Read MoreThe gospel reading for tomorrow (Thursday, 6/17/10) is Matthew’s telling of Jesus teaching his disciples the prayer we have come to call The Our Father or The Lord’s Prayer. We say the words of The Lord’s Prayer often. We say…
Read MoreThe gospel reading for today is Jesus’ teaching on the familiar passage “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” (Exodus 21:23-24). People often use this passage from Exodus to justify punishment, especially the death penalty. John J. McDermoot in “Weekday…
Read MoreI maintain this blog to help educate people about our Catholic faith. My desire is to always have constructive and polite dialogue. I have been writing for this blog since late January 2010 and for over a year before that…
Read MoreThis week I was talking to a couple and they said they had read that an annulment is a “Catholic divorce.” This is not true. A divorce is a civil (government) process that ends a legal relationship. It views marriage…
Read MoreI attended the ordination in Rochester of nine men to the diaconate today; eight as permanent deacons and one as a transitional diaconate. It is always a moving event. This year I knew three of the men. One from the…
Read MoreWith the celebration of Memorial Day a few days ago summer has “unofficially” begun. Summer vacations are beginning. Most colleges have already begun their summer vacations and the elementary and high schools will begin their vacations by the end of…
Read MoreToday we celebrate Memorial Day. It has taken on various meanings. For many it marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season. In New York State it is the time when people plant most of their gardens, assured that there…
Read MoreWhen did you receive your sacraments? Most of us in the United States were baptized as babies. We then receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and our First Eucharist around the age of reason (7). Then, the next sacrament we receive…
Read MoreSometimes there doesn’t seem to be a lot of love in the world. Sad considering that Jesus told us that the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbor. I believe we have an…
Read MoreOn June 30th of this year I will celebrate the third anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. It has been a good three years and I truly enjoy serving as a priest. There have been difficult moments both professionally…
Read MoreI returned yesterday from a few days of retreat at Bethany Retreat Center. It is a quiet place in the hills of Pennsylvania. This is my second time there. I enjoy it because it is quiet, well removed from the…
Read MoreI attended a presentation this week on discipleship. One of the questions offered by the speaker was “Are we willing to be disturbed?” The short answer for me is, of course, I don’t like to be disturbed. It is easy…
Read MoreThis week the USCCB unveiled a new website called “For Your Vocation” designed to promote vocations. There are sections for men considering the priesthood, men and women considering religious life, for parents interested in promoting vocations, and for educators and…
Read MoreToday we celebrated the Ascension of the Lord. Since we are in year C, we are reading from Luke’s Gospel. Luke concludes his gospel with the story of Jesus taken up to the heavenly kingdom (i.e. the Ascension). Then our…
Read MoreThe English translations of the new Roman Missal have finally been approved (see “Vatican confirms new version of Missal, Catholic News Service, April 30, 2010.). It has been a long time coming. The Latin edition had been approved several years…
Read MoreToday, May 1st, marks the Feast of the Joseph the Worker. The second reading from today’s Office of Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours includes text from Gaudium Et Spes: The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern…
Read MoreI just finished reading the book Radical Amazementby Judy Cannato. She talks about the origin of the universe in terms of the “Big Bang Theory” and “Evolution.” She seeks to develop a Christian Spirituality from the science of what God…
Read MoreI haven’t written in a few days so I thought maybe I should write something. I am taking a few days off and enjoying the spring weather. I’ve been doing a little reading, spending some time with friends, and spending…
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