
Why am I am priest?  Is it worth it?

Let me begin by assuring you I am happy as a priest.  Sometimes it seems difficult but there are also moments of joy.  For example, I think back a couple of weeks ago when I was doing the Sunday morning Mass and there was a Baptism during Mass.  Before Mass I was distracted and taking care of what seemed more like “business” rather than ministry.  As I did the Baptism itself, I felt joy at welcoming a new child into our Church.  Then, as I said the Eucharistic Prayer, I become a little emotional with joy.  Celebrating the sacraments, most especially in celebrating the Eucharist is fundamental to priesthood.

There also the difficult moments, people I want to help but can’t.  Sometimes lack of interest in parish activities can be discouraging.  For instance, we just have three different gatherings for anyone interested in RCIA or anyone who had been away from the church and looking to return.  We had one person come.  It can seem discouraging to only have one person come.  But if we didn’t have the sessions we won’t have even had the one.  And maybe we touched some hearts in our outreach to may not have come to the gatherings but have opened themselves a little to God.

I use my ministry as a priest as an example but we can all have moments of joy and moments with challenge.  We should never give up when we believe it is something God wants us to do.  We may not always see the fruit of our labor but we are always called to do the work God calls us.  We do what we can and leave the rest up to God.


Fr. Jeff

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