Our Blog
The title of this article is “Educating Our Children.” I was going to call it “Educating the Children” because, as a celibate priest, I do not have children of my own. But as I thought about it, I realized that…
Read MoreThis week my diocese began its annual appeal known as the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Obviously, the goal of the appeal is to raise money to pay for the “work” of our diocese. However, the appeal is not about money. It’s…
Read MoreThis week I did something I have never done before. I went to New York City. OK, technically I might not have been in the city. I went to Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston. I flew into JFK airport and…
Read MoreToday I would like to share some thoughts about Mary and the Resurrection but it isn’t the Mary you might be thinking of. The Mary I am talking about is a friend of mine who just passed away. She was…
Read MoreThe cooler weather is a sign of the beginning of Fall. In New York State, high schools and elementary schools reopened this week. Most colleges have also began their fall semester. The pace of life in the church also picks…
Read MoreToday is the ninth anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. There are many memorial services happening today to honor those who lost their lives in those terrible attacks. We also pray for their loved ones, asking the Lord to strengthen…
Read MoreToday’s Gospel (August 27, 2010 -Friday, 21st Week in Ordinary Time) is a parable familiar to many, the Parable of the Ten Virgins. All ten came when they heard the bridegroom was coming. Five were well prepared and five were…
Read MoreI sit here thinking about what my ministry is really meant to be about. Of course, the obvious answer is Jesus. But that isn’t what I am trying to get at. I work on lots of things like RCIA, baptismal…
Read MoreThis has been one of those weeks that I have been busy with the same things as of late, the parish website (www.ourladyofthelakescc.org), working on some written materials to use for RCIA, CMA (our annual diocesan appeal that will begin in…
Read MoreAt Our Lady of the Lakes we are going to have our first meeting on stewardship in the parish this Tuesday (8/17/2010), which raises the question what is stewardship? Stewardship is a word that is becoming more commonly used in…
Read MoreWell, I have been at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Community for five weeks now. I continue to become involved in more things as each week passes. This was probably my busiest week so far. Fr. Bob was away…
Read MoreI have finally finished the articles on baptism and original sin. The web addresses are Baptism- https://www.renewaloffaith.org/ls/baptism.htm Original Sin – https://www.renewaloffaith.org/basics/originalsin.htm Peace, Fr. Jeff
Read MoreWe are at the peak of our summer season. Today the forecast for here is a high of 88 degrees and hot, hazy, and humid. With summertime, many people are taking vacations. I took some vacation time at the end…
Read MoreWell, I have being at my new parish assignment for just over two weeks now. The physical moving and unpacking is completely done. Of the five churches, I have celebrated Sunday Masses at St. Januarius in Naples and St. Patrick’s in…
Read MoreAs I was reflecting on the readings for this coming Sunday this morning, I read something that caught my eye. The second reading comes from the Letter of Paul to the Colossians. From seminary, I always remembered that the only…
Read MoreThis weekend we celebrate our nation’s independence. On July 4, 1776, the colonists signed the Declaration of Independence. The colonists had fought for representation so that their voices could be heard. They declared their independence and fought the Revolutionary War…
Read MoreI arrived Tuesday afternoon (June 29th) at St. Michael’s Rectory to begin my new assignment at Our Lady of the Lakes. It has only been two days so it has been quiet so far with activities focusing on unpacking and…
Read MoreIn today’s Gospel (Wednesday, June 23, 2010), Jesus tells us to be careful of false prophets. Whenever we encounter a new person we might wonder ‘Can I trust this person?’ We know nothing about them. Can we trust them to…
Read MoreThe gospel reading for tomorrow (Thursday, 6/17/10) is Matthew’s telling of Jesus teaching his disciples the prayer we have come to call The Our Father or The Lord’s Prayer. We say the words of The Lord’s Prayer often. We say…
Read MoreThe gospel reading for today is Jesus’ teaching on the familiar passage “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” (Exodus 21:23-24). People often use this passage from Exodus to justify punishment, especially the death penalty. John J. McDermoot in “Weekday…
Read MoreI maintain this blog to help educate people about our Catholic faith. My desire is to always have constructive and polite dialogue. I have been writing for this blog since late January 2010 and for over a year before that…
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