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Our Blog

Summer in the Church

By Fr. Jeff | 06/04/2010

With the celebration of Memorial Day a few days ago summer has “unofficially” begun.  Summer vacations are beginning.  Most colleges have already begun their summer vacations and the elementary and high schools will begin their vacations by the end of…

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Memorial Day

By Fr. Jeff | 05/31/2010

Today we celebrate Memorial Day.  It has taken on various meanings.  For many it marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season.  In New York State it is the time when people plant most of their gardens, assured that there…

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Restored Order

By Fr. Jeff | 05/27/2010

When did you receive your sacraments? Most of us in the United States were baptized as babies.  We then receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and our First Eucharist around the age of reason (7).  Then, the next sacrament we receive…

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A Choice to Love

By Fr. Jeff | 05/24/2010

Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be a lot of love in the world.  Sad considering that Jesus told us that the greatest commandment is to love God and the second is to love our neighbor.  I believe we have an…

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The Bishop Called

By Fr. Jeff | 05/23/2010

On June 30th of this year I will celebrate the third anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood.  It has been a good three years and I truly enjoy serving as a priest.  There have been difficult moments both professionally…

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By Fr. Jeff | 05/22/2010

For some people the only time they pray is on Sunday at Church.  For others, they might say they pray the rosary everyday or we say grace before meals.  Some pray regularly for their family and friends.  If you read…

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Back From Retreat

By Fr. Jeff | 05/22/2010

I returned yesterday from a few days of retreat at Bethany Retreat Center.  It is a quiet place in the hills of Pennsylvania.  This is my second time there.  I enjoy it because it is quiet, well removed from the…

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Are We Willing to be Disturbed?

By Fr. Jeff | 05/15/2010

I attended a presentation this week on discipleship.  One of the questions offered by the speaker was “Are we willing to be disturbed?” The short answer for me is, of course, I don’t like to be disturbed.  It is easy…

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New Vocations Page by the USCCB

By Fr. Jeff | 05/15/2010

This week the USCCB unveiled a new website  called “For Your Vocation” designed to promote vocations.  There are sections for men considering the priesthood, men and women considering religious life, for parents interested in promoting vocations, and for educators and…

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Two Articles on the USCCB’s Position on Immigration Reform

By Fr. Jeff | 05/14/2010

Immigration Reform continues to be a hot topic.  Some believe that the United States Bishops want to open our borders to everyone who wants to come and to make all illegal immigrants already in the country citizens without question.  That…

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The Ascension

By Fr. Jeff | 05/13/2010

Today we celebrated the Ascension of the Lord.  Since we are in year C, we are reading from Luke’s Gospel.  Luke concludes his gospel with the story of Jesus taken up to the heavenly kingdom (i.e. the Ascension).  Then our…

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By Fr. Jeff | 05/06/2010

Do you like change?  Or would you rather everything stay the same?  There are people who are always looking for something new and different.  On the other side, there are people who resist any change (“if it ain’t broke, don’t…

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The New Roman Missal

By Fr. Jeff | 05/01/2010

The English translations of the new Roman Missal have finally been approved (see “Vatican confirms new version of Missal, Catholic News Service, April 30, 2010.). It has been a long time coming.  The Latin edition had been approved several years…

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May 1 – Joseph the Worker

By Fr. Jeff | 05/01/2010

Today, May 1st, marks the Feast of the Joseph the Worker.  The second reading from today’s Office of Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours includes text from Gaudium Et Spes: The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern…

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Seeing God in Creation

By Fr. Jeff | 04/25/2010

I just finished reading the book Radical Amazementby Judy Cannato.  She talks about the origin of the universe in terms of the “Big Bang Theory” and “Evolution.”  She seeks to develop a Christian Spirituality from the science of what God…

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A Brief Word From Away

By Fr. Jeff | 04/21/2010

I haven’t written in a few days so I thought maybe I should write something.  I am taking a few days off and enjoying the spring weather.  I’ve been doing a little reading, spending some time with friends, and spending…

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Patience is a Virtue

By Fr. Jeff | 04/17/2010

They say patience is a virtue.  I agree but I have to admit I am not the most patient person in the world.  Today I was driving to Fairport for a Memorial Mass.  On the way up along Seneca Lake…

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By Fr. Jeff | 04/14/2010

After attending an online workshop on the role of priest in the work of evangelization offered by the Paulist National Catholic Evangelizaiton AssociationI have added four new pages on evangelization to my website and a tab for evangelization on the…

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Dying and Rising

By Fr. Jeff | 04/10/2010

We celebrated Easter Sunday last week but our celebration of Easter has not ended.  We celebrate the Easter Season for 50 days until Pentecost.  Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection.  It is the celebration of new life but before…

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Easter – Jesus Christ is Risen Today

By Fr. Jeff | 04/04/2010

Today we celebrate Easter!  It is a day of Great Joy!  Jesus Savior, our Lord and Savior has risen! It had appeared that Jesus was defeated by his enemies who had him arrested, “tried”, and crucified on a Cross but…

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Good Friday 2010

By Fr. Jeff | 04/02/2010

Today we celebrate the death of Jesus Christ.  Yes, we celebrate his death.  We celebrate it because Jesus’ death pays the price for our sins and wins for us our redemption.  It is also a sign for us of God’s…

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Holy Thursday

By Fr. Jeff | 04/01/2010

The readings for the Mass of the Lord’s Supper celebrated in the evening on Holy Thursday are very appropriate to the occasion. The first reading (Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14) recalls the original Passover event when God lead the Israelites out of Egypt by the…

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Holy Week

By Fr. Jeff | 03/31/2010

We are in the midst of the holiest time of year.  This Sunday (March 28th) we celebrated Palm Sunday.  We generally remember it as Palm Sunday because of the blessing of the Palms at the beginning of the Mass.  The…

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Whose Job is It?

By Fr. Jeff | 03/25/2010

In years past the priests and the nuns did most of the work in our parishes.  Now, most parishes have lay staff members who are married with families of their own and we could not do all the ministry we…

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Sloth – The Last of the Seven Deadly Sins

By Fr. Jeff | 03/22/2010

Sloth, in a sense, is laziness but it is not plain laziness.  Catholic Reference Net defines sloth as Sluggishness of soul or boredom because of the exertion necessary for the performance of a good work. The good work may be…

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