Our Blog
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Genesis 2:18-25 Hebrews 2:9-11 Mark 10:2-16 October 7, 2012 It is not good for man to be alone. These are the words that our God after he created the first man. We are…
Read MoreI want to take a moment to comment on the second part of Sunday’s Gospel that I didn’t discuss during the homily. Jesus says if your hand causes us to sin, cut it off. If you foot causes you to sin,…
Read More26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Numbers 11:25-29 James 5:1-6 Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 September 30, 2012 John comes to Jesus concerned that a person is driving out demons in Jesus’ name because, apparently, he is not part of…
Read More25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 James 3:16-4:3 Mark 9:30-37 September 23, 2012 The disciples of Jesus are discussing which of them is the greatest, not a good thing. It’s pride and that would be a…
Read MoreIf you live in the Diocese of Rochester in New York State, you probably have heard that Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation for retirement of Bishop Matthew Clark and named Bishop Robert J. Cunningham of the Diocese of…
Read MoreHere I share my homily from Sunday about how we learn about our faith. 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Isaiah 50:4-9a James 2:14-18 Mark 8:27-35 September 16, 2012 Jesus asks his disciples “Who do people say that I…
Read MoreI have written here in recent months about how many funerals I do. I see funerals as an opportunity to minister to the funeral, to let them know that we care and that God cares. Being new in the parish,…
Read MoreLast night we celebrated Mass for the beginning of the new school year followed by a dish-to-pass supper. As the new pastor, it was my privilege to preside and preach at this Eucharist. I would like to share my thoughts…
Read MoreHere is my homily for this past week. In the past I haven’t posted many of my homilies here because I think most people reading this blog probably heard the homily in church. So, I would only post the homily…
Read More21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Ephesians 5:21-32 John 6:60-69 August 26, 2012 During the past four weeks, we have heard that Jesus fed 5,000 people with just five barley loaves and two fish. He…
Read MoreI realized yesterday that it has been a few days since I have written here. There are typically two reasons for when I don’t write something here. The first is that I don’t have the inspiration to write something and…
Read More20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Proverbs 9:1-6 Ephesians 5:15-20 John 6:51-58 August 19, 2012 Lady Wisdom has prepared a great meal and invited the “simple” and those “who lack understanding.” One might think Lady Wisdom would invite only…
Read MoreToday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation (Click here to see the readings). Here are some of the thoughts I shared in my homily. The fact that today is a…
Read MoreHere is this week’s homily from the Bread of Life Discourse 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 1 Kings 19:4-8 Ephesians 4:30-5:2 John 6:41-51 August 5, 2012 Elijah has apparently decided to give up but why? If you go…
Read MoreToday’s Gospel Reading (Saturday, 8/11/12, 18th Week in Ordinary Time) always make me ask how strong is my faith. In this particular gospel, a man comes to Jesus seeking help for his son. Jesus’ disciples (who have already done some…
Read More18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15 Ephesians 4:17 20-24 John 6:24-35 August 5, 2012 Jesus has fed the people (5,000 of them!). They are following him. Ideally they would be following him because they had come…
Read MoreOur Sunday gospels right now come from Chapter 6 of the Gospel of John. For those new to my blog I don’t often put my homilies on this blog because my homily constantly develops over the week and I don’t…
Read MoreAnother ten days has passed since I last wrote. The funerals have slowed down with just one funeral in church and a separate burial last week. That doesn’t mean everything has slowed down. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this…
Read MoreWell, today is four weeks since my arrival at Immaculate Conception. If you remember my earlier writings, Sr. Edna had spoken to me as I was carrying in my boxes to schedule a funeral. Tomorrow, I will preside at my eighth funeral since my…
Read MoreHere is my homily for Sunday, July 22nd. 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Jeremiah 23:1-6 Ephesians 2:13-18 Mark 6:30-34 July 22, 2012 Once again the apostles gather with Jesus. But this time their gathering takes on a different…
Read MoreToday is three weeks since my arrival as the pastor of Immaculate Conception Church. Last week I spoke about how busy I have been. I continue to be busy with funerals and meetings. What I am really trying to focus…
Read MoreI titled this article “Summer Slow Down” but there really hasn’t been one for me. The primary reason for that, of course, is my recent appointment as Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Ithaca. Being new to the parish I…
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