In the News
As a society, I feel we are broken. We are in need of healing. Why do I think we are broken? I see several signs of the brokenness. We see it in heated initial responses different groups say to each…
Read MoreThose who have read this blog for a long time and/or have read through much of my website know that Catholic Pro-Life teaching spans over many issues. However, in recent months much of the focus has been on abortion. This…
Read MoreThe Epiphany of the LordIsaiah 60:1-6Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 (11)Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6Matthew 2:1-12January 5, 2025 It has been a rough week in the news; a car attack in New Orleans killing at least a dozen based on hate; a…
Read MoreI often write an article on new year’s resolutions as we approach the end of one year and the beginning of another. Since today is December 31st, it is time for this year’s article. Of course, people often make new…
Read MoreThe 2024 election in the United States is over. There are winners and losers. Who won and who lost is not a topic I will discuss in this article. My concern is not politics. I think Archbishop Broglio’s statement today…
Read MorePeace…It is missing in the world. What is needed to bring peace to this world? We live in a world torn by war, division, and hatred. What is needed to change this? My heart aches when I heard news stories…
Read MoreOn Wednesday, I led a discussion of current events. It is not topics I have chosen. It is simply me answering people’s questions about what they hear in the news or experience in their own lives. Here is the video…
Read MoreI have started reading Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Dilexit Nos, that was released last week. I am also planning to read the final document from the synod that concluded last week. It was immediately released in Italian but I have…
Read MoreIf you want to start an argument, either religion or politics can be two topics to consider. If you interject politics into preaching in church, you will find people objecting. As one who preaches, speaking for myself, I can honestly…
Read MoreToday I share with you a short article to provide some hope for the Pro-Life movement regarding life in the womb. One of the common arguments presented to allow abortions is when an abortion is considered “medically necessary” to save…
Read MoreIf you live in New York State, I hope you have heard of Proposal 1. It is on our election ballot for November 5, 2024. If passed, it will amend our NYS State Constitution to enshrine abortion, procedures that attempt…
Read MoreAs we begin a new school year, sadly we experienced a school shooting in Georgia last week. While it has been a few days since the shooting, I have not heard of a motive for the shooting. Therefore, my following…
Read MoreThe Lord speaks “to those whose hearts are frightened.” Are you one whose heart is frightened? I am. My heart is not frightened in the sense of being scared of the Lord. I know that the Lord loves me. My…
Read MoreDialogue is essential in our quest to see fulfilled what we pray in the Lord’s Prayer, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” If we are to do our part towards “thy kingdom come,” we need to help bring the…
Read MoreLast week I held a current events discussion. One of the questions was very timely as we are just three months from elections. Therefore, I think it is a good topic to present here. A person asked, “What does the…
Read MoreWhy did they do that? In case you have not heard, the opening ceremony for this year’s summer Olympics in Paris Francis, included what has been called a “drag queen led parody of the Last Supper” (CNA staff, “Catholics, others…
Read MoreOn June 22nd of each year we celebrate the memorial of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More. St. Thomas More served as the chancellor of England. As such he was King Henry VIII’s “right-hand man.” St. John Fisher with…
Read MoreIn May, the Diocese of Buffalo announced plans to merge 1/3 of its parishes. As of this morning (6/18/24) a banner on its website says “Rightsizing and Reshaping.” In the business world “rightsizing” is a good thing. It is seen…
Read MoreToday I would like to write about something that has been on my mind for a while. As I see polarization increasing in our nation to the point where true dialogue almost seems impossible, I want to seek understanding and…
Read MoreI don’t understand…I don’t understand so much of what goes on in the world today. I don’t understand the current protests occurring on college campuses in the United States. I believe in the right of people to protest. However, I…
Read MoreOn Saturday I found myself wondering how close we were to seeing full scale war in the Middle East. Beginning last fall I have been writing articles on the application of Just War Theory on the conflict between Israel and…
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