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Our Blog

Additions on the Web Site

By Fr. Jeff | 02/13/2011

I have added my homily on the Liturgy of the Word to the website.  You can check it out at I have also added some material on the New Roman Missal to our parish web site at Peace,…

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Standing Up For What Is Right

By Fr. Jeff | 02/11/2011

Today I would like to talk about a topic that I generally avoid – politics, specifically the situation in Egypt.  With the resignation of President Mubarak certainly Egypt has changed in a profound way.  Perhaps the most amazing thing to…

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More on the New Translations and the Mass

By Fr. Jeff | 02/07/2011

Check out my new article on “Implementing the New Roman Missal” and teaching on the Mass at Peace, Fr. Jeff

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Blessed Are They Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

By Fr. Jeff | 02/01/2011

“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be satisfied.”  These are words spoken by Jesus as he began his Sermon on the Mount.  They are words we heard this Sunday in church.  Righteousness is to…

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The Disciple’s Response

By Fr. Jeff | 01/23/2011

Here is the text of my homily for today (January 23, 2011 – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time). 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A St. Michael’s 5:00 p.m, 7:00 a.m. & 9:30 a.m Isaiah 8:23-9:1 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17…

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By Fr. Jeff | 01/21/2011

When we evaluate an action as good or bad we tend to look at the effects.  Certainly the effects of our actions are very important.  We must consider the effects our actions have not just for ourselves but for others.…

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Doing God’s Will

By Fr. Jeff | 01/14/2011

In today’s readings (January 14, 2011), we once again hear about those whose struggle to do God’s will. In the gospel, many people are coming to see Jesus and hear him preaching.  A group comes with their friend who is…

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Baptism of the Lord

By Fr. Jeff | 01/09/2011

Here is the homily I delivered for the Baptism of the Lord Baptism of the Lord, Year A St. Theresa’s 11:00 a.m. Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Acts 10:34-38 Matthew 3:13-17 January 9, 2011      John the Baptist has been busy calling people…

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By Fr. Jeff | 01/06/2011

In tomorrow’s Gospel (January 7, 2011), the leper sees Jesus, falls prostrate before him and says, ““Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” The act of the leper falling prostrating before Jesus means he recognizes that Jesus is…

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A Better Place

By Fr. Jeff | 12/30/2010

I think that one of our goals in life should be to make the world a better place.  But how do we know when we have done this? I remember being part of a conversation with a group of teenagers…

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It’s Christmas!

By Fr. Jeff | 12/25/2010

Today is a day to rejoice for For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord (Luke 2:11 – from Mass at Midnight Readings). Many people celebrate Christmas as a…

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The Christmas Spirit

By Fr. Jeff | 12/18/2010

Many Christians wonder if the true meaning of Christmas has been lost.  I share this concern.  There are people who have never been to church in their lives who celebrate Christmas.  I bet you could even find atheists who celebrate…

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By Fr. Jeff | 12/11/2010

What comes to mind when you hear the word penance?  We often think of penance as the “punishment” we receive when we go to Confession.  That would be true but that definition of penance needs to go a little deeper. …

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Preparing for Christmas

By Fr. Jeff | 12/03/2010

How are your preparations for Christmas going? What comes to mind when you read the question?  Do you think about the list of gifts you need to buy?  Do you think about the food you need to prepare?  Do you…

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Understanding the Church Year

By Fr. Jeff | 11/28/2010

As we begin our new liturgical year on this First Sunday of Advent, here is my homily about our understanding of time and the seasons. 1st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A St. Jan’s 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.. Isaiah…

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Accepting the New Translations

By Fr. Jeff | 11/28/2010

One year from now, we will begin using the new English translations of the Roman Missal.  Some people are not aware of the coming changes and don’t really care.  Others ask, “Why do we need to change?  Isn’t it going…

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Christmas is Coming

By Fr. Jeff | 11/26/2010

I wrote the following for this weekend’s bulletin as we begin Advent. Christmas is Coming! Notice, the title says Christmas is coming.  The Christmas shopping season began Friday but Christmas day is still almost a month away.  We see Christmas…

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A Pre-Thanksgiving Note

By Fr. Jeff | 11/22/2010

I wrote the following for our parish bulletin yesterday (the Feast of Christ the King) as we look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving this week. Giving Thanks Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King.  Jesus is indeed a king…

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When Is Enough Enough?

By Fr. Jeff | 11/20/2010

How do you decide when you are doing too much?  That is the question that has been on my mind this week.  I had six meetings and a preaching workshop this week.  Of course, there was the regular Masses and…

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The End

By Fr. Jeff | 11/13/2010

The End . . . The end of the year that is.  Our liturgical year is drawing to close.  Our secular calendar always begins a new year on January 1st.  Our church year ends around the end of November.  Why does…

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A Better Way to Change

By Fr. Jeff | 11/05/2010

While I am too young to have experienced the changes of the Second Vatican Council, from conversations with others, I am well aware of how the changes seemed to be rushed.  People don’t like to hear about change.  Beginning Advent…

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Is Purgatory Gone?

By Fr. Jeff | 11/01/2010

We don’t hear much about Purgatory today.  Some people interpret that to mean that the Catholic Church doesn’t believe in Purgatory anymore.  That is not true.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church discusses Purgatory in paragraphs 1030-1032.  It speaks of the need…

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Lord, This is the People That Longs to See Your Face

By Fr. Jeff | 11/01/2010

“Lord, this is the people that longs to see our face.” This is the responsorial verse for today’s readings.   Today we celebrate the feast of All Saints.  Throughout the year, there are countless saints who are honored with a feast…

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On the Right Team

By Fr. Jeff | 10/28/2010

This morning I joined our parish school children for morning prayers.  Today was ‘wear your favorite team’s shirt day.”  There certainly were a variety of shirts.  Even the principal had his “team” shirt on.  Of course, they were all sports…

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Knowing You Are Where You Are Supposed To Be

By Fr. Jeff | 10/21/2010

The last couple of days have been busy days for me; nothing unusual there.  In these busy times I have been blessed with some moments of knowing that I was where I was supposed to be. Yesterday, I said Mass…

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