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Our Blog

Is There a Problem With Saying “God Bless You”?

By Fr. Jeff | 09/30/2011

Did you see the story about the teacher who disciplined his students for saying “God Bless You”?  I read the story on MSNBC at The teacher said he believed the students were being disruptive to the class by saying…

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The Opening Prayer

By Fr. Jeff | 09/23/2011

Here’s the bulletin article for September 25th on the new translations. Appreciating the New Translations After the Gloria, comes the Collect, more commonly known as the Opening Prayer.  The wording of this prayer will seem longer and more formal than…

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It’s Nice to Know People Care

By Fr. Jeff | 09/21/2011

It’s nice to know people care.  I’m not talking about people who care about me.  Two weeks we had major flooding in the southeast corner of our diocese from the remnants of Hurricane Lee.  The Diocese of Rochester in which…

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Working Together As One

By Fr. Jeff | 09/17/2011

To me one of the great treasures of the Catholic Church is that we are not just an agglomeration of individual churches.  Each church has its own building but we share the same liturgy with every Latin Rite Catholic Church…

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Appreciating the New Translations

By Fr. Jeff | 09/17/2011

Here is the this week’s bulletin article on the new translation of the Roman Missal.  After the Penitential Rite comes the ‘ancient hymn of praise,’ “The Gloria.”  At first glance, it may seem to have changed a lot.  What has…

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9-11 & Forgiveness

By Fr. Jeff | 09/11/2011

Here’s my homily on September 11th 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Sirach 27:30-28:7 Romans 14:7-9 Matthew 18:21-35 September 11, 2011 The traditional Jewish custom was to forgive a person three times.  If they continue to sin against you…

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Next Article on the New Translations

By Fr. Jeff | 09/10/2011

Here’s the bulletin article on the new translations for 9-11-11. Appreciating the New Translations After the opening greeting at Mass comes the Penitential Rite.  We come to Mass to receive the grace we need.  We come acknowledges how we are…

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Building a Better Community

By Fr. Jeff | 09/04/2011

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Ezekiel 33:7-9 Romans 13:8-10 Matthew 18:15-20 September 4, 2011 Today Jesus gives us some instruction about how to deal with those who have sinned against us. Note there is no mention of revenge. …

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Next Bulletin Article on the New Roman Missal

By Fr. Jeff | 09/04/2011

Here is my bulletin article for September 4, 2011 on the new Missal. Appreciating the New Translations We do not have to proceed far into the Mass before we come to the first change in the new Translations.  The priest…

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More on the New Missal

By Fr. Jeff | 08/28/2011

I wrote the article below for the parish bulletin to introduce a series of short articles to help us prepare for the new translations. Becoming Familiar with the New Translations of the Mass In January, we began to talk about…

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The Sacrament of Marriage

By Fr. Jeff | 08/20/2011

A primary responsibility of priests is the celebration of the sacraments.  Among them is the Sacrament of Marriage.  Deacons can also witness the Sacrament of Marriage.  I use the word “witness” deliberately because it is the couple that celebrate the…

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Jesus and the Way We Do Our Jobs

By Fr. Jeff | 08/15/2011

Some people seem to think our faith doesn’t have much to do with the way we do our jobs.  A person might say I am accountant or a engineer or work in a government office.  My job doesn’t relate to…

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By Fr. Jeff | 08/14/2011

Today, one of our churches at Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, St. Januarius’, celebrated the dedication of its newly renovated sanctuary.  The present church was built in the 1960’s.  Another one of our churches is having some roof work…

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Who Are We More Like in Faith?

By Fr. Jeff | 08/03/2011

Today’s readings (August 3, 2011) show two different responses of faith.  In the first reading, the Israelites are preparing to enter the promised land.  At God’s command, scouts are sent ahead to explore the area.  The scouts return with reports…

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Death and Life

By Fr. Jeff | 07/30/2011

The post that follows is the article I wrote for the cover of our bulletin at Our Lady of the Lakes for July 31, 2011. Death & Life Jesus knows what it is like to lose a loved one. Today’s…

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Knowing Our Strengths and Our Weaknesses

By Fr. Jeff | 07/23/2011

God has given each of us many gifts.  No one has all the gifts but working together as a community of believers we have all the gifts we need.  We begin working together by each recognizing our strengths and our…

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By Fr. Jeff | 07/13/2011

Is change a bad thing or a good thing? There are people who resist any change.  Their argument may be as simple as ‘we have been doing it this way for years.’  On the other extreme are people who seem…

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By Fr. Jeff | 07/09/2011

Forgiveness can be a difficult thing.  It can be difficult to forgive someone when they do something that hurts us.  It can also be difficult to accept forgiveness that is offered to us after we have hurt someone.  When someone…

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What Do You Like to Read About?

By Fr. Jeff | 07/02/2011

You may have noticed in the last few months I haven’t written as much as I used to.  Generally, I make a point to write something here at least once a week.  I write more often as Spirit inspires me. …

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Four Years

By Fr. Jeff | 06/29/2011

This week I celebrate the fourth anniversary of my priestly ordination.  In four years, I have served in two very different parishes.  The first (St. Mary’s Southside) was a single church located in the City of Elmira but serving people…

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Who Determines Right and Wrong?

By Fr. Jeff | 06/24/2011

In our country where we believe in democratic principles, laws are passed by the majority vote of elected representatives (who were elected by getting the largest share of the vote – not necessarily a majority if there were more than…

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The Holy Trinity

By Fr. Jeff | 06/19/2011

As part of our diocesan initiative this year to help us better understand the Mass, here is the homily I gave today on the Holy Trinity.  All three persons of the Trinity are at work in the Mass and they…

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Dignity in Dying

By Fr. Jeff | 06/16/2011

People are living longer.  At the same time, many people face great suffering from illness (physical and mental) and aging.  Seeing other people dying or facing death themselves has led many people to argue for the right to die at…

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Back From Retreat

By Fr. Jeff | 06/11/2011

I just returned from a five day retreat at Bethany Retreat Center.  While not everyone can take five days, I encourage everyone to think about taking an annual retreat.  For those who work, many retreat centers offer weekend retreats. What…

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Render Unto Caesar

By Fr. Jeff | 06/11/2011

I recently finished reading Render Unto Caesar by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput (Doubleday: New York, 2008.)  The subtitle “Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life” really speaks to his point, ‘we must stand up for what…

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