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Our Blog

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 07/24/2016

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Genesis 18:20-32 Psalm 138:1-2, 2-3, 6-7, 7-8 Colossians 2:12-14 Luke 11:1-13 Jesus tells us to ask and we will receive, seek and we will find.  Probably not many of us would have to…

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16th Sunday in Ordinary Team, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 07/17/2016

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Genesis 18:1-10a Psalm 15:2-3, 3-4, 5 Colossians 1:24-28 Luke 10:38-42 I know people who when they hear this gospel the question comes up so are like Martha or Mary?  Are you a doer…

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Two Weeks Later

By Fr. Jeff | 07/13/2016

Well, I have been at St. Michael’s for two weeks now.  I have felt very welcomed by the parishioners and that has been great.  The staff has also been great.  I realize now that I had forgotten what it was…

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15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 07/10/2016

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Psalm  69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36, 37 Colossians 1:15-20 Luke 10:25-37 Our first reading comes from the Book of Deuteronomy.  Deuteronomy is written as Moses farewell discourse to the Israelites just…

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First Sunday at St. Michael’s Homily (14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C)

By Fr. Jeff | 07/03/2016

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Isaiah 66:10-14c Psalm 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20 Galatians 6:14-18 Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 As I thought about what to say for first weekend I here.  I’m sure you have questions about me.  I…

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Final Sunday Homily at Immaculate (13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C)

By Fr. Jeff | 06/26/2016

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C 1 Kings 19:16b: 19-21 Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 Galatians 5:1, 13-18 Luke 9:51-52 June 26, 2016 Elijah was a great prophet serving in a time when the kings and many people…

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Spanning the Diocese

By Fr. Jeff | 06/23/2016

As I prepare to move to my new assignment at St. Michael’s in Newark next week, I have thought about the various places I have served.  Next Thursday, June 30th, I will celebrate my ninth anniversary of my ordination to…

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My Final Newsletter Column at Immaculate

By Fr. Jeff | 06/17/2016

We are just about to mail our June 2016 parish newsletter.  As I prepare to leave the parish, below is the last column I wrote for the Immaculate Conception newsletter. Final Thoughts Four years ago, on June 26, 2012, I…

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11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 06/12/2016

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13 Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11 Galatians 2:16, 19-21 Luke 7:36-8:3 June 12, 2016 This Pharisee does a good thing.  He invites Jesus to dine with him. Then comes a…

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Following God’s Will

By Fr. Jeff | 06/11/2016

If you are a regular reader of my blog, by now you know that on June 28th, I will end my assignment as pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Ithaca and move to Newark, NY where I will become the pastor…

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10th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 06/05/2016

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C 1 Kings 17:17-24 Psalm 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13 Galatians 1:11-19 Luke 7:11-17 June 5, 2016 In our first reading Elijah restores the widow’s son to earthly life.  Jesus does the same…

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The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 05/29/2016

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Year C Genesis 14:18-20 Psalm 110:1, 2, 3, 4 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 9:11b-17 May 29, 2016 In the few verses in our first reading we hear how Melchizedek “brought out bread…

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The New Assignment

By Fr. Jeff | 05/22/2016

A few weeks ago, I announced ( that I would be leaving Immaculate Conception Parish at the end of June.  This required a lot of faith in God for me because I like to know what is coming.  So I…

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Trinity Sunday, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 05/22/2016

Trinity, Year C Proverbs 8:22-31 Psalm 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15 May 22, 2016 One day St. Augustine was walking along the seashore as he reflected on the Trinity.  He came upon a young boy who was digging…

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Video Presentation on Mercy

By Fr. Jeff | 05/15/2016

I just uploaded the video of my latest presentation “Exploring the Meaning and Need For Mercy” for the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  Be sure and check it out at—exploring-mercy.html. Peace, Fr. Jeff

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7th Sunday of Easter, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 05/08/2016

7th Sunday of Easter, Year C Acts 7:55-60 Psalm 97:1-2, 6-7, 9 Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20 John 17:20-26 May 8, 2016 We don’t talk often about the Book of Revelation but today’s passage contains words spoken by the Lord to…

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6th Sunday of Easter, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 05/01/2016

6th Sunday of Easter, Year C Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Psalm 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 John 14:23-29 May 1, 2016 “Whoever loves me will keep my word.” These are among the words Jesus gives to his disciples as…

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5th Sunday in Easter, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 04/24/2016

5th Sunday of Easter, Year C Acts 14:21-27 Psalm 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13 Revelation 21:1-15a John 13:33-31-33a, 34-35 April 24, 2016 This is the fourth week in a row where our second reading has come from the Book of Revelation.  Revelation…

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An Announcement From Fr. Jeff

By Fr. Jeff | 04/17/2016

This weekend we have given special recognition to Jesus’ role as the Good Shepherd.  The concept of the Lord as our shepherd is not new with Jesus.  Around 600 BC, the Lord promises to shepherd his people.  Going back even…

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3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 04/10/2016

3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C Acts of the Apostles 4:27-32, 40b-41 Psalm 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-19 April 10, 2016 Last week we heard how Jesus appeared twice to his disciples after his Resurrection.  Both…

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Easter Vigil – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 03/27/2016

Easter Vigil Genesis 1:1-2:2 Genesis 22:1-18 Exodus 14:15-15:1 Isaiah 55:1-11 Romans 6:3-11 Luke 24:1-12 March 26, 2016 Tonight we celebrate something very special.  Tonight is like no other night.  Tonight is the most sacred night of the year. Tonight will…

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Holy Thursday – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 03/25/2016

Holy Thursday Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 Psalm 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 John 13:1-13 March 24, 2016 Last Sunday we celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, recalling the royal welcome He received.  Jesus had probably been to Jerusalem numerous times in…

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Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 03/20/2016

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year C Luke 19:28-40 Isaiah 50:4-7 Psalm 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 Philippians 2:6-11 Luke 22:14-23:56 March 20, 2016 We begin Holy Week on a high note, the same high note that Jesus…

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As We Begin Holy Week

By Fr. Jeff | 03/19/2016

Here are some thoughts I wrote for our bulletin cover as we begin Holy Week. Today we celebrate “Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord,” more commonly known as “Palm Sunday.”  It’s an easy name to remember given that…

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5th Sunday in Lent, Year C – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 03/13/2016

5th Sunday of Lent, Year C Isaiah 43:16-21 Psalm 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 Philippians 3:8-14 John 8:1-11 March 13, 2016 Many people come to hear Jesus speak.  Some may simply be curious.  Others come with a deep faith while others…

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