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Our Blog

What Guides Your Morality?

By Fr. Jeff | 10/16/2020

Today I would like to continue the discussion of morality by offering two contrasting perspectives on what might be our principal guide in our moral choices. The first one may be held by Christians and non-Christians alike but I see…

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New Video – Part II of Uncovering the Treasures of the Mass

By Fr. Jeff | 10/15/2020

I just uploaded the video of the webinar I offered last night as part II of my series Uncovering the Treasures of the Mass. Here’s the link – Peace, Fr. Jeff

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Choosing a Moral, Immoral, or an Amoral Life

By Fr. Jeff | 10/14/2020

God gave his people commandments as a gift. The Ten Commandments are given to us to help us live a good life (cf. “God’s Commandments”). However, that does not mean they are easy to follow. Good, God-loving people struggle at…

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Moving Forward

By Fr. Jeff | 10/12/2020

The first reading in yesterday’s (28th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Office of Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours led me to think about where we are at as a Church with regards to the number of people who practice…

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 10/11/2020

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year AIsaiah 25:6-10aPsalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 (6cd)Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20Matthew 22:1-14October 11, 2020 Isaiah speaks of “a feast of rich food and choice wines.”  The Lord will provide a great banquet to which He invites…

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What Was the Worst Part of Jesus’ Suffering?

By Fr. Jeff | 10/08/2020

Jesus underwent great suffering for us during his Passion. The gospel readings on both Palm (Passion) Sunday and Good Friday tell the story of Jesus’ suffering from his entry into Jerusalem at the start of his final days through his…

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Reflecting on the Prayer of St. Francis

By Fr. Jeff | 10/06/2020

October 4th is the feast day for St. Francis of Assisi.  He is one of the most popular saints and is known as the patron saint of animals.  So, it is a custom for some parishes to offer a pet…

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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 10/04/2020

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year AIsaiah 5:1-7Psalm 80:9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20 (Isaiah 5:7a)Philippians 4:6-9Matthew 21:33-43October 4, 2020 Is the Lord with us in our struggles?  The Lord is always with us.  Everything that is good comes from the…

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Trust: Both Necessary and Difficult

By Fr. Jeff | 10/01/2020

The Eighth Commandment is “You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.” How is society to function if we cannot trust others to tell the truth? Likewise, we need to be able to trust others not to steal, commit…

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A “re-post” on the Archangels

By Fr. Jeff | 09/28/2020

I find myself doing something I have never done before. I am “re-posting” a homily I posted here on this blog from the Feast of the Archangels on September 29th in 2017. Why am I “re-posting” an old post? There…

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 09/27/2020

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year AEzekiel 18:25-28Psalm 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 (6a)Philippians 2:1-11Matthew 21:28-32September 27, 2020 Today Jesus poses a question to the chief priests and the elders.  They have been asking him questions.  They often asked Jesus questions to…

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Never Forget the Cross

By Fr. Jeff | 09/25/2020

As I have begun to write articles explicitly on morality, I acknowledge that discussion on the morality of specific behaviors can be difficult. I pray that nothing I will write be interpreted as judgment on anyone. My goal is always…

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New Video – Uncovering the Treasures of the Mass: Part I

By Fr. Jeff | 09/24/2020

I started my new series of webinars, Uncovering the Treasures of the Mass, last night. You are view the recording of the webinar on my website at Peace, Fr. Jeff

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Defining Morality

By Fr. Jeff | 09/22/2020

Last week I wrote an article here, “The Easy Path or the Hard Path”, discussing morality. I said that I plan to offer more on morality but that I am unsure what form it will take or when. I remain…

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 09/20/2020

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year AIsaiah 55:6-9Psalm 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18 (18a)Philippians 1:20c-24, 27aMatthew 20:1-16aSeptember 20, 2020 Jesus continues to teach us about the Kingdom of Heaven.  Today He describes it using a parable of a landowner and his vineyard. …

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The Easy Path or the Hard Path

By Fr. Jeff | 09/18/2020

If you are reading this, then you are probably trying to live a Christian life. What does that entail? It includes prayer. It means that we believe that Jesus was crucified on the Cross and rose on the third day,…

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Feeling Powerless

By Fr. Jeff | 09/15/2020

Recently I was watching the news about the wildfires on the West Coast. They say that over 4 million acres have burned this year. California has already passed their record for the number of acres burned in a single year…

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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 09/13/2020

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year ASirach 27:30-28:7Psalm 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 (8)Romans 14:7-9Matthew 18:21-35September 13, 2020 It can be hard to forgive.  It can be even harder to forgive the same person over and over for the same thing. …

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Looking for Peaceful Existence

By Fr. Jeff | 09/10/2020

I remember back in my school days hearing about utopian societies. Such groups are the attempts of the members to form a perfect society. In my limited knowledge of them, they were small, insular societies. To me, the world didn’t…

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The Liturgy of the Hours

By Fr. Jeff | 09/08/2020

One of the topics I have covered a few times during the Coronavirus is prayer (see for those articles & homilies). Today I would like to cover a particular form of prayer required of clergy and religious but an…

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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 09/06/2020

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year AEzekiel 33:7-9Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 (8)Romans 13:8-10Matthew 18:15-20September 6, 2020 Today we hear about how God calls us to respond to sin.  The first reading is sometimes known as the Parable of the Watchman. …

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Keeping Our Baptismal Promises

By Fr. Jeff | 09/03/2020

At Baptism, we are asked six questions as our “baptismal promises.” (When we are baptized as infants, our parents answer for us.) At Confirmation we renew our baptismal promises ourselves. Each year at Easter time, we renew them. We respond,…

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Receiving a Penance

By Fr. Jeff | 09/01/2020

After we have confessed our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we receive a “penance.” We are not just “given” or “assigned” a penance as punishment for our sins. We must receive the penance. By “receive” I mean we willing…

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22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 08/30/2020

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year AJeremiah 20:7-9Psalm 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 (2b)Romans 12:1-2Matthew 16:21-27August 30, 2020 Last week Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”. Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the…

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Seeking the Lord’s Help in Suffering

By Fr. Jeff | 08/28/2020

I recently read a book about Franciscan Spirituality relating to our care for the environment. I am not going to focus on that topic today but I mention the book (Care for Creation by Delio, Warner, and Word, Cincinnati: St.…

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