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Our Blog


By Fr. Jeff | 05/27/2024

In the regular readings for today, the 8th Monday in Ordinary Time, Year 2 (5/27/24), the gospel reading points us to sacrifice.  Now, you won’t find the word sacrifice in this gospel.  It begins with Jesus being asked, “Good teacher,…

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Why Do You Go to Church

By Fr. Jeff | 05/21/2024

If you are a regular reader of my blog, I would think you probably are a regular churchgoer.  If so, you can use this article to reflect on why you find value in going to church.  This can help keep…

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Pentecost, Year B – Works of the Flesh, Fruits of the Spirit

By Fr. Jeff | 05/19/2024

In today’s gospel (second option), Jesus speaks of the Advocate whom He will send to us from the Father.  This advocate is “the Spirit of Truth that proceeds from the Father.”  The Advocate of whom Jesus speaks is the Holy…

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The Hidden Depths of the Mass #41

By Fr. Jeff | 05/16/2024

Recessional, Hymn, and Other Prayers Then the altar servers, lector, and clergy recess out as we sing a hymn.  We began with a procession that symbolized all of us entering in.  We end with the recessional symbolizing all of us…

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Is It a Good Thing?

By Fr. Jeff | 05/14/2024

Today I would like to try something a little different.  I would like to examine the morality of something emerging in today’s technology.  I begin by proposing a question to you.  Do you want to grow in your faith? I…

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7th Sunday of Easter Year B – Homily

By Fr. Jeff | 05/12/2024

7th Sunday of Easter Year BActs 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26Psalm 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20 (19a)1 John 4:11-16John 17:11b-19May 12, 2024 Throughout the season of Easter our first reading at Mass comes from the Acts of the Apostles.  Acts tells us the story…

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The Purpose of a Parish

By Fr. Jeff | 05/10/2024

Here is an article in PDF format that I recently composed (with proofreading and editorial assistance from some friends.). The topic is what is the purpose of a parish.

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The Hidden Depths of the Mass #40

By Fr. Jeff | 05/09/2024

The “Last” Prayer After Communion, we stand as the priest offers the Prayer After Communion.  There was a period of time when this prayer was mistakenly called the Closing Prayer.  This is understandable since it is the last prayer said…

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I Don’t Understand

By Fr. Jeff | 05/07/2024

I don’t understand…I don’t understand so much of what goes on in the world today. I don’t understand the current protests occurring on college campuses in the United States.  I believe in the right of people to protest.  However, I…

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6th Sunday of Easter, Year B

By Fr. Jeff | 05/05/2024

Love can change the world for the better.  Hate can’t do that.  Why? “Because love is of God.” Jesus does not want us to be his slaves.  He says so himself, “I no longer call you slaves.”  Instead He calls…

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The Hidden Depths of the Mass #39

By Fr. Jeff | 05/01/2024

Standing or Kneeling Prior to the Second Vatican Council, the normal practice was to receive Communion kneeling at the Communion rail.  Now the official practice in the United States is to receive standing.  Timothy P. O’Malley writes, “We stand and…

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