Thoughts on Lent

From this week’s bulletin cover. 

The calendar says Spring began on March 20th but since then we have seen cold temperatures and snow.  So, we wonder when we will really see some spring weather.  I’m writing this on Tuesday when the temperatures will reach 50.  Looking at the ten-day forecast, most of the forecasted highs are in the 40’s.  That’s not particularly warm but it is an improvement from the weather we have been having.

March 20th marks the Spring Equinox when the tilt of the Earth and orbit places the center of the sun rays on the equator.  It means spring weather is coming but it isn’t an instantaneous arrival.  The temperature rises over time.  That’s the nature of our seasonal weather.

These seasonal changes are a natural part of life on Earth.  When people move south and return home for a visit, I hear them talk about how they miss the changing of the seasons (they don’t miss the cold!).   It’s part of the divine order that God has set for us.

Recognizing that seasons are a natural part of our rhythms, we have seasons in our Church.  The dates of the seasons all center around two days, Christmas and Easter.  Easter is the most important day of the year for us as Christians.  It marks Jesus opening the door for our salvation.

We will celebrate Easter in two weeks but first we have to finish our season of Lent.  How are you doing at keeping your Lenten promises?  I have to admit I am not doing as well as I would like.  For Lent, I pledged to make Stations of the Cross each Friday.  That much I have been doing (we have Stations in the parish each Friday in Lent at 7 p.m.).  I also said I would give up my favorite candy bar and snacking.

I do this as a witness that I am willing to give up one of my favorite things just to say Jesus is important.  I also do it to lose weight.  I can honestly say I haven’t eaten my favorite candy bar during Lent.  Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for snacking in general.  When it comes to snacking I have little will power to resist.  That’s why I don’t like to keep snacks in my house.  They get eaten very quickly.

It would be good for me not to snack for my physical health but it is also to avoid overeating to be mindful of those who do not have enough to eat.  I need to do better.  How about you?


Fr. Jeff

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