Invitation to New Webinar Series

For those of you who are regular readers of my blog, you are used to learning of the presentations I do and being provided a link to view the video of the presentation and handouts after the presentation is given.

I started doing regular in-person presentations in 2013 and making the videos and handouts available on my website.  I very much enjoy doing this.  However, 2020 brought a change with the arrival of the Coronavirus.  It was necessary to shift from in-person presentations to live webinars hosted on Zoom.  Thankfully, these webinars are recorded.  So, the videos and handouts continue to be available on my website, 

So far, the webinars have only been advertised within St. Luke the Evangelist Parish where I serve.  I have discerned that it is time to expand that.  You can all now sign up to watch the webinars live!

Beginning in January, I will offer a new series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love, discussing the prolife teaching of our Catholic faith.  Many people know the Catholic Church is against abortion, assisted-suicide, and the death penalty.  However, not as many people know the reason why.  In this new series, I hope to help people understand Catholic Church teaching on life issues from the beginning of life at conception until to the point of natural death.  This includes how we care for people throughout their entire lives.  This will include discussing how we are called to speak up for life and how we can help people choose life.

The webinars will be held the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm beginning on January 13th via Zoom webinar.  Preregistration is required.  You can register now for the first webinar in this series at

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Fr. Jeff

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