How We Can Witness to Our Faith

Here’s something I wrote for our parish bulletin 2/9/20


How Can You Share What Our Faith Means to You?

I hesitated to use the word “evangelization” in the title of this article.  I think when people here the word “evangelization” there is a tendency to think of evangelicals calling out Bible verses or people who go door to door talking about their faith.

Yes, that is evangelization, but we are not all called to do that.  However, that is not all that there is to evangelization.  At its most basic level, evangelization means sharing our faith.  Some of you might feel troubled by the idea of having to share our faith.  You might feel like you don’t know enough about our faith. 

I have two responses to that.  First, I encourage you to learn more about our faith.  I believe this is important for our future as a church.  This is why I do the presentations I do and it is why I have my own website and blog (

Secondly, I wish to clarify by what I mean by “sharing our faith”.  We are not all called to give “theological discourses” using “big fancy church words.”  If you have the knowledge and feel the called to do that, go for it.

Here, I want to talk about “sharing our faith” in some basic actions.  First and foremost is coming to Mass every Sunday.  Maybe it means missing a practice.  Maybe it means making the effort to get out of bed on Sunday morning when you rather sleep in.  The fact that you are willing to make your schedule around getting to Mass is a very important witness, a way for you to show how important your faith is to you.  When others see coming to Mass is important to you, maybe it will plant a seed in them to get them to come.

Sunday Mass is something we are all called to as part of the Third Commandment, Keep the Sabbath holy.  For those who are able, I also encourage attendance at daily Mass.  I know that many people can’t attend daily Mass because of work or school.  Most of the people who attend daily Mass are retirees but we also have a young home-school family that comes.  It is a great way to start the day.  Returning to the theme of evangelization and sharing our faith, I think attending daily Mass can be another important witness of how important your faith is.

Lastly, I mention Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  At St. Patrick’s we offer a holy hour on the third Thursday of each month at 2:00 p.m. with Exposition, a Rosary, and Divine Mercy Chaplet, both prayed together as a community with some silence for you to pray on your own.

At St. Mary’s we offer private Adoration each Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.  By private, I simply mean that people are free to come and go as you want and simply prayer in silence. 

There is witness value in coming to adoration.  First, it shows you believe in the Real Presence.  It is not just bread.  It has become the Body of Christ.  It also witnesses to others that praying is important to you.  Lastly, you can use some of the time you spend there to pray for those who don’t come to church.

Remember, sharing the faith starts with showing how important our faith is to you.


Fr. Jeff

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