Homily – Christ the King, Year C

Christ the King, Year C
2 Samuel 5:1-3
Colossians 1:12-20
Luke 23:35-43
November 24, 2013

The Israelites realize it is time to make David their king.  God had already anointed David as king but the Israelites are just coming to realize the leadership that David has shown.

They realize that even when Saul was still alive and ruled as their king, it was David who lead them against their adversaries.  David became known as a great king.  Through him God builds the kingdom of Israel.

After David, God promised that He would raise up a new king like David.  There were many kings after David but none proved be the expected messiah.

Here comes Jesus.  Could He be the Messiah?  Could He be the king they were waiting for?  Many placed great hope in Jesus.  If he could just be the one they have been waiting for, then the Romans could be defeated and the kingdom of Israel restored.

Instead, Jesus ends up on the Cross.  For those waiting for a messiah king this must mean that Jesus wasn’t the one.  This could not happen to the messiah.

Yet it did.

On the Cross Jesus was mocked as the king of the Jews.  Everyone, while everyone but one, felt he could not be the messiah king.

There was one who believed Jesus was king.  It was the second criminal who recognized Jesus’ kingship.  This criminal admitted his wrong doing.  He could have figured he would not be saved because of his crimes.

He does not.  He says “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  He stands up for Jesus and is the one to recognize Jesus’ kingdom was not of this world.  His only words to Jesus are an outreach for the mercy of Jesus.

Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King.  We call Jesus our king but what does it mean to call Jesus our king?

What does “king” mean to us?

We don’t use the term “king” in our country but we have leaders and we study kings in history.  A king rules over a land.  The king is the one in control of the people.  A king controls the army to get rid of the enemy.  Kings live in rich palaces.

This is the type of king the Israelites were expecting.  Jesus wasn’t any of these.  Jesus never ruled over a land in this world.  Jesus doesn’t control us.  Jesus did not lead an army, at least not an earthly of soldiers.  Jesus did not live in a palace.

Yet Jesus does rule.  Where?  In heaven.

Jesus doesn’t control us as He gives us free will.  But he teaches us what to do with our free will.

Jesus does not lead an army of soldiers into war but He does lead us in combat against evil.

Jesus didn’t live in a palace.  He was born in a manger.

Jesus is indeed our king, just not the way we expect as humans.

Jesus invites us to be part of His kingdom.

How do we join?

Through Baptism.

In baptism we receive the gift of the kingdom.  We don’t know the kingdom fully until we pass from this world the to the next but we are called to make the kingdom known to others as Jesus makes the kingdom known to us.

Jesus didn’t come to be a king for Himself.  He came not to rule but to serve.  We make the kingdom known to others as we are anointed priest, prophet, and king according to the example of Jesus.

We all share in a common priesthood in being willing to make sacrifices for others.

We are all prophets in that we are called to share God’s word with others.

We are all called to be kings not by ruling others but rather by serving their needs as Jesus served our needs as our king.  True kingship is not about what’s in it for me.  True kingship is rooted in serving others.  Jesus is our king, serving us by saving us.


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