Catching Up

Since I haven’t posted anything on my blog since Sunday, I thought those of you who are regular readers might be wondering if I am too busy in my new assignment to have time to write. I do find myself busier, more so as the only priest in the two parishes I serve than being the priest in charge. The former means I preside at all the Masses. I actually enjoy having more Masses to say. Currently, I say one daily Mass four days a week. On the weekend, I say one Mass Saturday evening for Sunday and then three on Sunday (there is currently an additional Mass to allow people space to practice social distancing). We also have First Friday Adoration all day here. I have presided at one wedding Mass and been at two funerals. This I enjoy.

Now to the latter, work associated with being the Parochial Administrator (in charge). Yes, this also means additional work. Some of it can seem like pure administration. However, it is part being the spiritual leader of the parish. Someone needs to be in charge and that is me. I favor a collaborative leadership style. This can mean more meetings but meetings, if done well, are important for me to the necessary information to make good decisions. The meetings can be two-way conversations where I take the time to listen to others. These conversations are also my opportunity to help others understand my perspective and decisions so that we can all work together.

So, yes, I am busier here than in my last assignment. However, that is not the direct reason I have not posted any new articles here in a few days. The basic reason that I haven’t written a new article is that I haven’t had an idea to write about.

While I was unpacking, I wasn’t reading much. As reading is one of my main sources of information, I wasn’t getting new ideas that way. Having finished unpacking, this week I have done more reading so maybe some ideas will come from there.

As I adjust to the new assignment, I haven’t had much time to work on what I will be doing for adult faith formation presentations in the fall. That work also sometimes provides me with inspiration for articles to write here. Incidentally, the ideas I am thinking about for the fall include a one-time presentation on the two saints for which the churches here are named for (St. Mary’s and St. Benedict’s), a presentation or short series on prayer, and something on Catholic vocabulary. The idea for the last is something that will help people understand what “church words” like “mystery”, “transubstantiation”, and “consubstantial” mean. Of course, the Holy Spirit may lead me in another direction. I welcome ideas.

So that’s where I am at. As I settle in I hope to resume my normal writing frequency here.


Fr. Jeff

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