A “re-post” on the Archangels

I find myself doing something I have never done before. I am “re-posting” a homily I posted here on this blog from the Feast of the Archangels on September 29th in 2017.

Why am I “re-posting” an old post? There are two reasons. Honestly, the first one is that I don’t currently have any ideas to write on (I’m open to suggestions). The second reason is that apparently this homily is coming up on a lot of Google searches. I have limited ability to tell what brings people to this blog and what articles they are reading. This article has been read more than any other in the last two weeks.

Here is the link to the original post in 2017. Please note that at that time, I was assigned to St. Michael’s Church in Newark so the homily focuses mostly on St. Michael but does include some information on Sts. Gabriel and Raphael.

I was at St. Michael’s for three years. Each year we celebrated the feast day with a Mass and dinner. Here is a link to the homily that I preached in 2016 that offers different information on saints and angels.


Fr. Jeff

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