25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C – Homily

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Amos 8:4-7
Psalm 113:1-2, 4-6, 7-8, (see 1a, 7b)
1 Timothy 2:1-8
Luke 16:1-13
September 18, 2022

The role of a steward is to manage the property and finances of the owner.  Thus, in squandering the rich’s man property, the steward has failed to do the very thing he was hired to do.

Thus, the rich man to his steward, “you can no longer be my steward.”  The rich man tells him to “prepare a full account” of his stewardship.  The rich man needs to know what his resources are.

Of course, the steward recognizes he has a problem.  He is “not strong enough to dig” (physical strength is not a gift he has).  He is “ashamed to beg.”  It seems even as he is being fired, pride remains in his heart.

What does the steward do?

He called in his master’s debtors one by one.”  What did he do with them?  He reduced the debt they owed.  How?  Was he, in essence stealing from what was doing his master to reduce the debt?  Another possibility is that he is reducing their debt by the amount of commission that would have been his.

It would seem since the steward is commended for what he does that the latter is more likely.  He is using what would be his to show generosity to others so they will welcome him into their homes.  His motive still has some selfish concern but it is real concern. 

Jesus uses this parable to speak of our concern for small (worldly) matters and great (spiritual) ones.  In the end He says, “No servant can serve two masters.  He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and mammon.

It is our choice. 

What do you choose to do with the gifts God has given you?  Do you use them for selfish things or to build up the kingdom of God?

Are you more concerned with spiritual matters or making a profit?

Through the prophet Amos, God speaks of those who “trample upon the needy and destroy the poor of the land.”  They are definitely selfish and don’t care who they hurt to make a profit.

They externally practice the faith but they can’t wait for the new moon and the sabbath to end so they can get back to making money. 

Do you make time for Jesus?  Or do you have something else you would rather be doing?  Are you hoping I am going to finish preaching soon so Mass will be over quickly?

Are you honest in your dealings with others?

In our first reading we heard, “We will diminish the ephah, add to the shekel.”  To put it simply, they measure out less and charge more. 

The economic principle of supply and demand says you can charge as much as people are willing to pay.  I don’t think that is right.  For instance, if you buy a candle for $2.50, you shouldn’t sell it for $5.00.  It seems like stealing to me (Seventh Commandment).  Charge a fair price that makes a profit but doesn’t gouge people. 

Changing topics a little, Paul writes, “I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone.”  Do you pray?  Do you pray for the people you like?  Do you pray for those you don’t like?  Do you pray for strangers? 

Do you pray for those in authority?  Pray that they do what God wants and they will have all they need to persevere.

Discipleship calls us to make good use of the gifts that God has given us for the good of others and the building up of his kingdom.

Discipleship calls us to be honest in our dealings with others.

Discipleship calls us to prayer for “This is good and pleasing to God.

When the rich man learned that his steward was “squandering his property,” he told him to “prepare a full account” of his stewardship.

When your earthly life comes to an end, what will a full account of your stewardship look like? 

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