12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A – Homily

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Jeremiah 20:10-13
Psalm 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35 (14c)
Romans 5:12-15
Matthew 10:26-33
June 25, 2023

Jeremiah faced danger.  He heard “the whisperings of many” who sought to “denounce him.”  Why did they want to denounce him?  Because he was pointing out their sins.  He was telling them that they needed to change but they didn’t want to.

Who was denouncing Jeremiah?  Those who used to be his friends.  It’s bad enough when strangers denounce us for our faith but worse when it is our friends who are supposed to have the same faith.

Jeremiah lamented this but he knew the Lord was with him.  He knew that as long as he followed the Lord, his persecutors would eventually stumble.  The Lord triumphs over all.

Is there someone who denounces you for your faith?  Stand up for our faith but then leave it to the Lord.  Do not seek vengeance yourself.  Hand it over to God.

Jeremiah was not the only one to face such struggles.  The psalmist today speaks of the insults they faced, how they became an outcast to their brothers and a stranger to their children because of their faith.  We do not desire division but we need to hold fast to the faith that God has given us.

Many people have been martyred over the centuries for their faith in Jesus Christ.  Even today people are still being martyred.

What does Christ say to this? 

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Why are people martyred?  Why do some countries restrict or prohibit the practice of Christianity?  Because they want to silence the voice of Christ.  Why?  If they are so sure they are right, what difference does it make what we say?  They must be concerned we could be right.

Knowing of coming persecution, Jesus said, “Fear no one.”  Do not be afraid to speak up.  Before you speak, ask the Lord what He wants you to say.  Then share his message with others.

Jesus continued, “Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known…what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.

Initially God’s message was made known to few.  After Jesus rose from the dead, He sent the disciples out to all nations.  Over the course of centuries, the faith was no longer a secret known to just a few.  It was proclaimed to the whole world, revealed to all.  Christianity became the foundation of western civilization. 

Now, many have abandoned the foundation.  Others hold to some faith but God is not first in their lives.  They listen more to worldly voices than God’s.

Is Jesus your foundation?

What does Jesus want you to offer to the world?

Note that I said “offer.”  We are not to force faith on the world but we are to share it with the world.

The world does not want us to reveal Christ to others.  They want us to keep our faith a secret.  Some even kill those who speak about Jesus.

Are you afraid to speak up for Jesus?

We are not to be afraid of those who can kill our bodies.  Jesus says, “rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body.

Christ wants us to offer the faith to the world.  Then, they must choose for themselves.  If they don’t want to follow Jesus, you don’t have to force them.  Speak the truth and then leave it in God’s hands.

I leave you with two questions:

First, do you choose to follow God’s truth or the worldly voices that have rejected what Jesus taught?

Second, where do you want to spend eternity?


  1. Florence Genco on 06/25/2023 at 5:06 pm

    I choose to follow God’s truth and spend eternity with him. I am trying my very best to do his will. I love our Lord with all my heart. Stay well Father ❤️

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