The Hidden Depths of the Mass #41

Recessional, Hymn, and Other Prayers

Then the altar servers, lector, and clergy recess out as we sing a hymn.  We began with a procession that symbolized all of us entering in.  We end with the recessional symbolizing all of us going out into the world to glorify the Lord by our lives.

The rubrics for Mass specify nothing more.  It is our local tradition that we silently say three Hail Mary’s for the next to be called home among us.  The silence as everyone prays the same prayer can be powerful to witness.  The silence shows reverence.  The fact that we are all saying the same prayer speaks of our unity and care for the next to be called home among us.  This local tradition is also seen in other parishes and has roots in prayers that used to be said at the end of Mass.

Another prayer that used to be said at the end of Mass is the St. Michael Prayer.  This prayer was composed by Pope Leo XIII.  He directed it to be said at the end of Mass.  This continued until the 1950’s.  Then, such additional communal prayers were eliminated to focus on the Mass as the prayer we say together.  There is nothing restricting anyone saying additional prayers privately after the Mass is over. 

This concludes our series on the Mass. I hope you have enjoyed it and grown in your understand of the Mass from reading these articles.

(The previous articles in this series are available online at