The Hidden Depths of the Mass #31

The Hidden Depths of the Mass #31
The Lord’s Prayer

Every time Mass is celebrated we all join together in saying the Lord’s Prayer.  Why include it at Mass?  The whole of Mass comes from the Lord and is rooted in the Bible.  In Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus teaches how to pray.  Then, in verses 9-13, He explicitly gives us the Lord’s Prayer.  What prayer could be better than the one Lord teaches us? 

We say the Lord’s Prayer at Mass.  Do you actually pray the words or do you just say them?  Do you think about what they mean?  Do you live what the words mean?  It is not always easy to do the Lord’s Will?  That’s why the priest says, “At the Savior’s command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say.”  Please take some time to think about what the words mean.

(The previous articles in this series are available online at