The Hidden Depths of the Mass #21

The Liturgy of the Eucharist – “My Sacrifice and Yours”

As we transition from the offertory to the Eucharistic Prayer, the priest says, “Pray my brothers and sisters,, that my sacrifice and yours, may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.”  Of course, there is no greater sacrifice than that of Jesus willingly sacrificing his life for us on the Cross.  This is the sacrifice we celebrate in the Mass.

We are called to unite the sacrifices we may in our own lives with Jesus’ sacrifice.  What sacrifices do you make?  For example, what have you given up to care for a loved one?  What have you missed out on to be there for something important to a loved one?

What sufferings do you have to offer up?  Are you suffering an illness that you could offer up to the Lord?  A difficult relationship?