Seeking Your Input
If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know that when the Coronavirus pandemic shutdown began, the number of articles I post here greatly increased. I very much enjoy written articles here, as well as on my general website ( I also greatly enjoy doing the video presentations/webinars and making the recordings available on the website.
With writing many more articles, the format, style, and types of content have greatly expanded. I try to go where the Holy Spirit leads me. I hope these materials help you grow in your faith.
As the content and style of what I post expands, I would like to hear what you do and don’t like about the content I make available. I know that not everyone likes the same things but it will help if I know what you do link. To seek your input I have created a Google survey. Some of the questions simply require a check mark or two. Others ask you to write your comments out.
I welcome your input. Here is the link to the survey –
Fr. Jeff