Patience is a Virtue
They say patience is a virtue. I agree but I have to admit I am not the most patient person in the world. Today I was driving to Fairport for a Memorial Mass. On the way up along Seneca Lake I followed a person for most of the length of the lake who was driving a little slower than I wanted to but they were driving fast enough to not give me a chance to pass them. So I set my cruise control to match their speed and “impatiently” followed them. The same thing happened on the way home for twenty miles but this person must not have been using cruise control because their speed varied some so I couldn’t just set my cruise control to match their speed. Again, I “impatiently” followed.
We don’t like to wait. We want everything NOW! Good things come to those who wait.
Sometimes we only have to wait an extra minute or two. Sometimes, we have to wait a while. I have been in a waiting mode myself for a while. When I first came to St. Mary’s where I currently serve I knew it was a three year assignment. The three years draws to a close at the end of June. I have had conversations with the diocese about my upcoming new assignment. Now I wait to hear where the bishop will send me. As the discussion began I was very anxious to know where I am going.
Now, I consider this “appropriate curiosity” but it was on my mind a lot and sometimes served as a distraction. I wasn’t very patient. Do I need to know already? I could say I “need” to know NOW so I can make plans for the future (moving, etc.). The truth is that I don’t NEED to know right now.
I know I am leaving St. Mary’s at the end of June and that is all that I NEED to know right now. I would love to know all the details now (I could literally hear from the bishop any day now but it could be a couple of weeks too).
In the last month, from the discussions with the diocese, I have come to some sense of peace in waiting. So for now, I pray that the bishop assigns me where God wants me to be. I could talk about what I think would make a good assignment but ultimately what will make it a good assignment is not what I want but that it be God’s will.
With that in mind I wait.
How are you at waiting?
Fr. Jeff
Do you happen to know whether you’ll be appointed as a Vicar or ‘Sacramental Minister’? The only Vicar positions open that I am aware of are the new Gates cluster, and possibly the Irondequoit parish depending on what happens there.
That driving story happens to me every day! It is indeed a true test in patience.
I do not know what my appointment will be. It could be either as a parochial vicar or sacramental minister. Actually, while I don’t think it is likely, it could be a non-“parish” assignment such as campus ministry or an assignment at the diocesan office.
Fr. Jeff