New Video Presentation – “Praying the Rosary From the Heart”

Last night I offered a new presentation, Praying the Rosary From the Heart. Here is a short description of the presentation:

The Rosary is a sacramental we use in prayer.  We memorize the prayers but do we think about what the words mean?  Do we know why we pray the Rosary?  Do you know the origin of the Rosary?  What about the Mysteries of the Rosary?  Fr. Jeff answers these questions and more in this presentation.  

You can find the video recording and slides on my website at

If you watch the video in the next couple of days, you can complete an online evaluation at

I will be starting a new series of presentations, Being Church in Today’s World, on September 22nd. Here is a description for Part I:

For centuries western civilization was rooted in Christianity.  This is being lost today.  Fewer people practice their faith and many do not believe that God exists.  In a world where many think that you are free to believe whatever you want, how do you know what voice to listen to?  Where do we go for real Truth?  What does it mean to be “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church?”

Inspired by comments from people following previous presentations, in this new series, Fr. Jeff seeks to answer these questions and more.  This series begins on Thursday, September 22nd (with two more presentations following on October 27th and November 17th).  You can register for the webinar for Part I at .


Fr. Jeff