Holy Week

We are in the midst of the holiest time of year.  This Sunday (March 28th) we celebrated Palm Sunday.  We generally remember it as Palm Sunday because of the blessing of the Palms at the beginning of the Mass.  The blessing of the palms and the accompanying gospel reminds us of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem for this final week of his life.

It is also known as Passion Sunday because of the reading of Jesus’ Passion.  Each of the four gospels has a passion story remembering Jesus’ final hours.  On Passion Sunday, we read from the gospel of the lectionary year.  So this year we heard Luke’s passion story. 

We are called to remember all that Jesus did, he did for us.  He did it out of love for us.  Jesus is an innocent man who pays the price for our sins.

Today (Wednesday) I presided over a prayer service with the Holy Family Elementary school remembering the events of Holy Thursday and then Stations of the Cross.  Jesus went through so much for us and when I think about the hours he hung upon the Cross I feel the power of God’s love for us.

On Holy Thursday, we celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.  On Good Friday we focus on Jesus’ Passion as told in John’s Gospel.  On Saturday night we celebrate the Easter Vigil where the Old Testament readings tell us the history of God’s relationship with his people and the empty tomb leading us to our celebration of the Resurrection.

These events recall what Jesus has done for us and point to the promise of our sharing in the Resurrection.  I hope you are able to participate in these celebrations.


Fr. Jeff