Follow Me

One can go to a sporting event and see someone holding up a sign that reads “John 3:16.”  What does John 3:16 say?  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” 

People want to “have eternal life.”  John 3:16 tells us that God loves us so much that “he gave his only Son” so that we might “have eternal life.”  John 3:16 tells us words we want to hear, words that give us hope. 

Then there is the verse that begins today’s gospel, words that challenge us, words that are countercultural today.  “Jesus said to his disciples, Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” 

These words are countercultural today because they go against the radical individualism plaguing our society today. 

The words “must deny himself” go against radical individualism because they tell us we must let go of what we want and our ego.  Radical individualism makes it all about “me.”  What’s in it for me?  It makes freedom into the greatest good. 

The words “take up his cross” go against our culture saying that suffering must be avoided at all costs.  John 3:16 only comes true when Jesus accepted his suffering in his Passion and gave his life for us on the Cross.  It is his suffering that makes eternal life possible for us.  Are we willing to take up our cross and allow God to work through it to save others? 

The words “follow me” go against the notion where society says everyone must be able to choose their own path.  Freedom is a good thing but it is not the greatest good.  Freedom is not the same as salvation.  Freedom does not bring us eternal life except if we use our freedom to say “thy will be done” to God from the depths of our heart and live it in all we do.  To be a disciple of Christ requires us to follow him. 

People attempt to claim freedom that goes so far as to make themselves their own creator and to make themselves the author of life.  It seems that when they hear today’s responsorial verse, “It is I who deal death and give life,” they think the “I” is them.  They claim to decide when life begins in their thoughts on abortion and when it ends, claiming assisted-suicide is a good thing.  I pray they come to know that the “I” in this responsorial verse is not them.  It is God!  God is the creator and author of life.  God decides when it begins and when it ends. 

John 3:16 tells us that God is the source of our salvation and that it comes through Jesus Christ.  Matthew 16:24 tells us what we must do to accept the gift of our salvation.  At times we may fall short.  Thank God (literally) that He sends Jesus to save us.” 

May we follow Jesus in saying to our Father in Heaven thy will be done. 


Fr. Jeff 


  1. Carol Archunde on 08/11/2024 at 10:31 am

    Yes, Father, you are right only God decides when life begins and ends.
    I believe because God gave us free will is where the “I” decide enters. I think it must be a difficult decision to make for oneself. I believe it is between the person and God. God is the Judge.
    I pray for each person who contemplates having an abortion or assisting in helping another to commit suicide will pray long and hard, seeking spiritual guidance, think about the consequences , good and bad, that will result in the decision.
    No one knows what a person is going through that would lead to a decision like this. We don’t ” live in their shoes”. Instead of being judgmental, we should pray that we be compassionate and help in positive ways to those thinking about taking that path.

    • Fr. Jeff on 08/11/2024 at 11:12 am
