What's New at www.renewaloffaith.org Also be sure & check out our blog (found on the menu bar)
3/17/25 - Added two pages - one on the Divine Mercy and the second on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Â
9/16/24 - Added a page, "Bulletin Series on New York State Proposal 1 to Amend State Constitution," with articles for bulletin and social media use against the passage of New York State Proposal 1 on November 5, 2024 election ballot
6/11/24 - Added a blog article/PDF "Cooperating With the Way God Created Reproductivity" presenting Catholic teaching on contraception
5/10/24 - Added a blog article/PDF, "The Purpose of a Parish", discussing why we have parishes in the Catholic Church.
4/30/24 - Added two blog articles reflecting on the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith's new declaration, "Dignitas Infinita" discussing the concepts behind our understanding of human dignity and examples of the importance of human dignity in real life situations. Please see Part I and Part II of my reflection on "Dignitas Infinita" for more on this.
3/3/24 - added a page for the upcoming video for Why Should I Go to Mass (Weekly)?
2/27/24 - Introduced revamped website. Please see my blog article, "A New Look for My Website" detailing the changes.
2/23/24 - added the video for Why Should I Go to Confession?
11/25/23 - added a page for Part III in Fr. Jeff's series Made for Discipleship
11/10/23 - added a page with the video and slides for Part II in Fr. Jeff's series Made for Discipleship
10/27/23 - added a page with the video and slides for Part I in Fr. Jeff's series Made for Discipleship
10/20/23 - Added a page for Fr. Jeff's new series, Made for Discipleship
9/22/23 - Added a document, Towards Dignity and Truth: Compassionate Dialogue and Pastoral Response on Transgenderism, to the Catholic Morality and Sexuality page.
8/10/23 - Created a page, "Bulletin Series on the Mass 2023" - This series will be updated weekly with articles explaining what we do at Mass.
8/8/23 - Created a page, "All Things Eucharist" with links to all information on our website on the Eucharist and Mass
5/6/23 -Created a page with links to series of articles on the topic of Spirituality
4/1/23 - updated the handouts on the reconciliation page to reflect the revised Order of Penance
3/10/23 - added a page with the video and slides for Part III in Fr. Jeff's series The Greatest Gift: The Eucharist
2/10/23 - added a page with the video and slides for Part II in Fr. Jeff's series The Greatest Gift: The Eucharist
1/13/23 - added a page with the video and slides for Part I in Fr. Jeff's series The Greatest Gift: The Eucharist
12/25/22 - added a video of Fr. Jeff's Christmas Homily on the page for his new series The Greatest Gift: The Eucharist
12/22/22 - added a page for Fr. Jeff's series - The Greatest Gift: The Eucharist
11/18/22 - added a page with the video and slides for Part III in Fr. Jeff's series - Being Church in Today's World
10/28/22 - added a page with the video and slides for Part II in Fr. Jeff's series - Being Church in Today's World
9/23/22 - added a page with the video and slides for Part I in Fr. Jeff's series - Being Church in Today's World
8/26/22 - added a page with the video and slides for Fr. Jeff's presentation, Praying the Rosary From the Heart
5/4/22 - added a letter that Fr. Jeff wrote to the parishioners of St. Mary's of the Lake and St. Benedict's inviting them to a deeper and more frequent practice of the faith to the link list at the bottom of the page "Evangelization: A Call for All"
5/3/22 - added a link to Fr. Jeff's new blog article "Respecting the Dead" concerns new methods of "disposing" of human bodies after death.
4/8/22 - added a page with the video and slides for Part III of a series on healing, Finding Peace and Healing in a Troubled World
3/25/22 - added a page with the video and slides for Part II of a series on healing, Finding Peace and Healing in a Troubled World
3/9/22 - added a page with the video and slides for Part I of a series on healing, ​Finding Peace and Healing in a Troubled World
2/18/22 - added a page with video and slides for Starting Lent Right
12/3/21 - added a page with video and slides for Part III of a series on prayer, Giving Our Hearts to God: What It Means to Pray
11/19/21 - added a page with video and slides for Part II of a series on prayer, Giving Our Hearts to God: What It Means to Pray
10/29/21 - added a page with video and slides for Part I of a series on prayer, Giving Our Hearts to God: What It Means to Pray
5/20/21 - Added a page with the video and slides for Three Saints to Aid Us, a webinar presentation on St. Michael the Archangel, St. John Fisher, St. Thomas More
4/15/21 - Added a page with the video and slides for Part IV of the series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love
4/12/21 - Added a link to Fr. Jeff's new article "Towards Dignity and Truth: Compassionate Dialogue on Homosexuality" and his blog article introducing it
3/11/21 - Added a page with the video and slides for Part III of the series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love
3/5/21 - Added links to material on Catholic Sexuality to page on Catholic Moral Teaching and renamed it "Catholic Morality and Sexuality"
2/17/21 - Added an article to the "Funerals, Mass Intentions, and Purgatory" page on grieving, "Allowing Ourselves to Grieve"
2/11/21 - Added a page with video and slides for part II of the series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love
1/23/21 - Added a "tab" under the menu bar on "Catholic Moral Teaching" and the previous articles on Conscience and the new series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love, and added an article, "Many Voices: Who Should We Listen To?"
1/14/21 - Added a page with video and slides for part I of the series, Treating Life with Dignity and Love
1/2/21 - Added a page for a new series on pro-life teaching, Treating Life with Dignity and Love
11/20/20 - Added the fourth and final article to the series, "Our Relationships With Others," reflecting on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti.
11/19/20 - Added a page with the video of part III of the series, Uncovering the Treasures of the Mass
11/16/20 - Added the third article to the series, "Our Relationships With Others," reflecting on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti
11/12/20 - Added the second article to the series, "Our Relationships With Others," reflecting on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti.
11/10/20 - Added a page, "Our Relationships With Others," with the first article in a series reflecting on Pope Francis' new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti
10/15/20 - Added a page with the video of part II of the series, Uncovering the Treasures of the Mass
8/5/20 - Added a page with a short video on "Church Vestments"
7/24/20 - Added an article, "Purgatory as a Gift That Gets Us in Shape for Heaven" on Purgatory and Indulgences
6/4/20 - Added a page with the video and handout for Praying With the Trinity
5/7/20 - Added a page with the video and handout for Sacraments: Channel's of God's Grace: Sacraments of Service on the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders
4/30/20 - Add a page with a short video, "A Tour of the Church"
4/16/20 - Added a page with a short video on "The Liturgical Books for Mass"
3/20/20 - Added a page with the video and handouts for Sacraments: Channel's of God's Grace: Sacraments of Healing on the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick and Reconciliation led by Fr. Jeff
3/6/20 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Sacraments: Channels of God's Grace: Sacraments of Initiation II" on the Eucharist led by Fr. Jeff
2/8/20 - Added a page on "Funerals, Mass Intentions, and Purgatory"
2/7/20 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Sacraments: Channels of God's Grace: Sacraments of Initiation I" led by Fr. Jeff
1/10/20 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Sacraments: Channels of God's Grace Introduction" led by Fr. Jeff
11/8/19 - Added a page with the video and handout for "Our Saints and Intercessors, Part III," led by Fr. Jeff
10/3/19 - Added a page with the video and handout for "Our Saints and Intercessors, Part II" led by Fr. Jeff
9/13/19 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Our Saints and Intercessors, Part I," led by Fr. Jeff
3/12/19 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Where Do We Go For Truth?" led by Fr. Jeff
2/6/19 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Are They Rules or a Way of Life?" led by Fr. Jeff
11/28/18 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Advent: Preparing for the Incarnation," led by Fr. Jeff
10/6/18 - Added a page with the video and handouts for "Why Is It So Hard to Forgive Myself and Others?" led by Fr. Jeff
3/19/18 - Added a page with the video and handout for "The Journey to Jesus: Acts of Mercy," led by Fr. Jeff
2/28/18 - Added a page with the video and handouts of a session called "The Journey to Jesus" led by Fr. Jeff
2/10/18 -Added a page with the video and handouts of a session called "What It Means to be a Church" led by Fr. Jeff
11/24/17 - Added a new document called "What Sort of Church Should We Be?" discussing my perspective on how we move to the future of our church.
4/8/17 - Added a page with the video and handouts of a session called "Evangelization and Apologetics" led by Fr. Jeff
3/23/17 - Added a page with the video and handouts of a discussion/presentation called "Navigating the Bible" led by Fr. Jeff
3/1/17 - Added a page with the video and handouts of a discussion of our "Lenten Customs" led by Fr. Jeff
2/22/17 - Added a page with a short video by Fr. Jeff "So What's on the Altar?"
11/13/16 - Added a page with the video of Fr. Jeff's presentation "The Roots of Catholic Social Teaching"
9/18/16 - Added a page with the video of Fr. Jeff's presentation "What Comes After the Year of Mercy?"
8/12/16 - Added a link to the Catholic Resources page to the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, just made available online
5/15/16 - Added a page with the video of Fr. Jeff's presentation "Exploring the Meaning and Need For Mercy"
1/18/16 - Added a page with the video of Fr. Jeff's presentation "Mercy in the Sacraments and Acts of Mercy"
12/16/15 - Added a page with the video of Fr. Jeff's presentation, "Introducing the Year of Mercy"
Spring 2015 - Video Presentations added to complete the "We Profess, We Believe" series
2/18/15 - Added a page on "God's Commandments"
2/1/15 - Added a page with ed for the latest video presentation, "The Origin of Our Creeds," in the "We Profess, We Believe" series
The site was redesigned in February 2015