Treating Life with Dignity and Love
“You formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, because I am wonderfully made;
wonderful are your works!
My very self you know.”

Many people know the Catholic Church is against abortion, assisted-suicide, and the death penalty. However, not as many people know the reason why. In this series, Fr. Jeff helps us understand Catholic Church teaching on life issues from the beginning of life at conception until to the point of natural death. This includes how we care for people throughout their entire lives. Fr. Jeff also discusses how we are called to speak up for life and how we can help people choose life.
- Part I - General introduction followed by the start of discussion on abortion
- Part II - Abortion and the Death Penalty
- Part III - Euthanasia (Assisted Suicide)
- Part IV - The body after death, medical research, cloning, and just war theory
Three years after the above presentations, in April 2024, the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issued "Dignitas Infinita" discussing the concepts behind our understanding of human dignity and examples of the importance of human dignity in real life situations. Please see Part I and Part II of my reflection on "Dignitas Infinita" for more on this.
Here are other articles and videos related to Pro-Life teaching available on our website:
- Articles:
- Video Presentations
- Material for use in bulletins and social media
Created 1/2/21
Updated 9/16/24