Spiritual Growth
Offering Insightful Articles, Engaging Presentations, and Thought-Provoking Reflections About the Catholic Faith
Catholic Teachings and SpiritualityÂ
Welcome to our website, Renewal of Faith. On this website, you will find numerous articles written by me (Fr. Jeffrey S. Tunnicliff, aka Fr. Jeff). I am a priest of the Diocese of Rochester in New York State. I have a passion for helping people to know what our faith teaches and why.
This website is a big part of how I share the faith. You will find numerous articles on various aspects of our faith in the menu bar above. You will also find short videos on some topics. Lastly, one of my favorite ways to help people grow in their faith is through presentations in person and via webinars. You will find video recordings (1 to 1 1/2 hours in length) of in-person presentations I offered from 2013 to 2019. In 2020, the COVID pandemic arrived. With the help of the Holy Spirit and some friends, the presentations did not stop during the pandemic. My passion for sharing the faith led me to learn how to run webinars. Now, I offer in-person and webinar presentations. The video recordings available here since then are of the webinars.
I also like to read. I offer to write articles based on spiritual and/or theological reading. You will find those articles on my blog (blog.dxl.6b3.myftpupload.com/our-blog/) along with the texts of my Sunday homilies and other articles inspired by the Holy Spirit, happenings in the news, and questions from people like you.
If this is your first time looking at my website, you can approach it in two ways. You can use the menu bar at the top of the page to look for topics of interest, by subject matter. The other option, if you are looking for the newest material, is to go to the "What's New?" page. That page contains a listing of additions/changes to the website in chronological order, with the newest articles at the top.
Be sure to check out our new page, "All Things Eucharist." It contains links to all materials on our website on the Mass and the Eucharist.
I hope what you find helps lead you to a deeper faith in our Lord.
Fr. Jeff
Renewal of Faith

Apply the Good News to Your Daily Life
Welcome to Renewal of Faith.org. This is not a site designed to convert you. I started this web page to share my faith journey with others. I believe this is important to help others find their own faith. My own journey is not the "typical story" of the past, but it is beginning a more common story today. I was baptized into the Catholic Church as an infant and received First Communion, Penance, and Confirmation. After Confirmation, I did not attend church for sixteen years. There was NEVER a time when I did not believe in God.